1.1. Code: GAE04. 1.2. Type of subject: Compulsory 1.3. Yearly 1.4. ECTS credits: 9 1.5. Responsible teacher: A. Arizmendi, E. Díaz, I. Cardelús, N. Cantó 1.6. Language: Catalan - Spanish - English
Type Subject
Tercer - Obligatoria
Previous Knowledge

Physical and mathematical principles.
Knowledge of architectural design, construction, materials and equipment.
Basic skills of computer management.
Knowledge of expression through freehand drawing


3. Competences that the subject wants to contribute to develop:

IS 1. Being able to analyze and synthesize conceptual frameworks generating new knowledge.
IS 2. Being capable of organizing and planning the application of new knowledge.
IS 3. Being able to acquire basic general knowledge about the area of ​​study
IS 4. Being able to acquire basic knowledge of the profession
IS 8. Being capable of acquiring information management skills
IS 11. Being able to acquire basic and fundamental knowledge of the field of training.

IT 4. Being able to work in an interdisciplinary team
IT 9. Being able to be sensitive to the environment

CS 1. Being able to apply knowledge to practice
CS 4. Being able to readjust to new situations
CS 5. Being capable of generating new ideas
CS 8. Being able to work autonomously
CS 9. Being able to design and manage projects


Group A: Skills
A1. Basic architectural and urban project. Aptitude or ability to apply the basic formal, functional and technical principles to the conception and design of buildings and urban complexes, defining their general characteristics and benefits to be achieved.
A2. Executive projects. Aptitude or capacity to elaborate integral projects of execution of buildings and urban spaces in sufficient degree of definition for its complete putting in work and equipment of services and facilities.
A18. Conservation of facilities. Aptitude or ability to analyze, control quality and define the maintenance conditions of water supply and evacuation facilities, electricity, artificial lighting, heating, air conditioning, mechanical transport, audiovisual communications, security and fire protection.
A19. Hydraulic installations project. Aptitude or ability to conceive, design, calculate, integrate into buildings and urban areas and run water supply, treatment and evacuation facilities, as well as to provide technical advice on these aspects.
A20. Project of electrical and associated installations. Aptitude or ability to conceive, design, calculate, integrate into buildings and urban areas and run facilities for transformation and supply of electricity, audiovisual communication and artificial lighting, as well as to provide technical advice on these aspects.
A25. Heavy work project. Aptitude or ability to size, design, program, put into work and integrate into buildings and urban groups the constructive solutions, deliveries and auctions of the systems of work, closure, cover and rest of work, as well as civil works to them associated, together and in details, and also to provide technical advice on these aspects.
A30. Management of constructive norms. Aptitude or ability to apply the construction, homologation, protection, maintenance, safety and calculation rules to integrated projects and to the execution, both of construction works and of urban spaces.

Group B: Knowledge
B14 Ecology and sustainability Understanding or knowledge of the responsibility of the architect regarding the basic principles of ecology, sustainability and conservation of resources and the environment in building, urban planning and landscaping.
B22 Bases of flow physics. Understanding or knowledge of the principles of thermodynamics, acoustics and optics necessary to provide buildings and urban spaces passive conditions of habitability, isolation and protection.
B25 Construction materials. Understanding or knowledge of the physical and chemical characteristics, the manufacturing and homologation procedures, the pathological analysis and the applications and restrictions of use of the materials used in structural, civil and finished work.

4. Learning objectives of the subject:

1. Ability to create architectural projects that satisfy the aesthetic and technical demands.
5. Ability to understand the relationships between people and buildings and between buildings and their surroundings, as well as the need to relate buildings and spaces located between them according to needs and the human scale.
7. Knowledge of research methods and preparation of construction projects.
8. Understanding the problems of structural design, construction and engineering linked to building projects.
9. Adequate knowledge of the physical problems and of the different technologies, as well as of the function of the buildings, so as to equip them with internal conditions of comfort and protection of climatic factors.
10. Design capacity to meet the requirements of building users respecting the limits imposed by budgetary factors and construction regulations.


5. Thematic blocks in which the contents of the subject are organized:

Fire safety
Introduction. Internal, external propagation. Evacuation. PCI installations. Firemen intervention Resistance to fire of the structure.

Implementation and layout of the facilities: Forecast of spaces
Parking. Patios. Elevator installation, types. Evacuations Services. Common spaces, accessible, recordable. Interior distribution

Ventilation and smoke evacuation installations
Indoor air quality Evacuation of smoke.

Heating installations
Concepts: comfort, inertia and thermal insulation. Needs: calculation of charges. Radiators: systems, elements, implantation. Dimensioning, example. Radiant floor: systems, elements, implantation. Dimensioning, example.

Pre-installation of air conditioning
Concepts, systems, elements, implantation, pre-dimensioned.

Plumbing installations, sanitary hot water and solar ACS
Performance: pressures, flows, water quality. Design, schemes, construction. Practical application. Dimensioning Production of ACS. Production of ACS with solar thermal energy.

Water evacuation facilities
Rainwater and wastewater. Benefits, design and construction. Practical application: dimensioned.

Fuel facilities
Concepts, design, schemes, implementation. Practical application. Dimensioning

Electrical installations
Concepts, design, schemes, implementation. Practical application. Dimensioning

Common telecommunications infrastructures
Services, forecast of spaces.


6. Methodological approach of teaching - learning to achieve the objectives:

Through theoretical classes and permanent correction of the project developed by the students. Students perform the project during corrections and during off-hours hours.

From the knowledge of the techniques:
Each of the installations responds to a logic of behavior based, in general, on physical principles, which must be known for their correct application.

From the knowledge of the project:
The architectural project is developed in a process over time that involves a large number of variables of different types that end in the building constructed. Within this context, the facilities are considered as one more variable, which at the same time provide comfort and services to the building, having to demand its design a correct implementation that allows its proper functioning.
Through classes, workshops developed in the classroom during school hours and subsequent work of the student outside of class time.


Subject dedication = 9 credits at 26 hours / credit = 234 hours
Semester dedication = 36 weeks (32 lectures + 4 exams)
Weekly dedication = 234 hours / 36 weeks = 6.5 hours / week
Total hours concept
Master classes: 36 sem. lect. x 3.75 h./sem. = 135 h. 50% (67.5) 68
Practice-practical classes: 50% (67.5) 67
Exercises at home: 234-h.classes; h. Doubts; h. ex. = 61 h 100% 61
Individual study: 0% 0
Sessions doubts: approx. 4% h. total classes (5,4) 6
Tutorials 2
Total hours of dedication outside of exams 204
Exam Preparation: 4 sem. ex. x 6.5 h./sem.= 26 subtracts 26
Exams 4

Total biannual dedication 234


7. Evaluation of the achieved level of the objectives:

Integrate the facilities within the project of the residential building developed in the Workshop of projects in groups of three students. You have to apply the knowledge of the subject within the project that is developed.

Exam at the end of the course.

G) Group practical work 70%
A) 30% exam

The evaluation will be carried out qualitatively and quantitatively on practical work and exams and according to the set of general and specific competences indicated.
The evaluation note is calculated according to the percentages indicated. Participation in class (K) is valued.

Evaluation Criteria
Basic Bibliography

Notes developed from the school of architecture itself.
Código Técnico de la edificación. Documentos Básicos SI, SU, HE, HS.
Allen, E. Cómo funciona uno edificio. Principios elementales. Editorial Gustavo Gili.
Apuntes de Condicionamiento y servicios IV. UPC. ETSAB.
Arizmendi, L. J. Cálculo y normativa básica de las instalaciones en los edificios. Editorial Eunsa.
Cálculo y diseño de instalaciones de agua caliente. Editorial Roca.
Catálogos diferentes fabricantes.
Manual de instalaciones receptoras. Gas Natural.
NTE. Diseño. Cálculo. Construcción. Control. Valoración. Mantenimiento. NTE - Y parte 1ª y 2ª.
Reglamento electrotécnico de baja tensión e instrucciones complementarias.
Real decreto ley y reglamentación sobre telecomunicaciones. (Anexa IV).

Additional Material