Degree in Technical Architecture and Building Engineering

The Degree in Technical Architecture and Building is temporarily paused for new students

Computer tools I

1. Description of the subject 1.1. Code: GAN02. 1.2. Type of subject: Basic title 1.3. Duration of the course: Annual 1.4. ECTS Credits: 5.5 1.5. Teacher responsible: David Fonseca Escudero 1.6. Language: Spanish - Catalan - English
Type Subject
Primer - Obligatoria

Titular Professors

Previous Knowledge

No prior knowledge is necessary as we start teaching from scratch. However, it would be advisable that the student should know how to use a computer. Students who have already worked with computers generally find it easier to assimilate knowledge and have a greater capacity for work.


The subject aims to provide students the necessary skills of 2D and 3D representation of architectural projects in all types of scale, annually experimenting with new visualization systems that provides a better understanding and explanation of the architectural space.

The students that pass the subject in the ordinary call have their level certified through the ATC program (Autodesk Training Center), equivalent to the recognition of the Basic Level in 2D and 3D AutoCAD.

Learning Outcomes of this subject are:

RA.09 Adequate knowledge of the different technologies.


Thematic blocks in which the contents of the subject are organized:

- 2D CAD Representation systems

- Multi-scale printing

- 3D CAD basic modelling systems

- Off-line / on-line rendering systems

- Photomontage and composition basic tools

- AR/VR Representation systems


- 2D workspace

- 2D drawing systems

- 2D modification tools

- Basic blocks

- Dynamic blocks

- 2D layout

- Dimensions

- 3D workspace

- Basic 3D tools

- Boolean operations

- Basic operations with 3D solids

- Basic systems of work plane

- Complex operations with 3D solids

- Working with meshes and 3D surfaces

- 3D layout

- Cameras and saved views

- Render AutoCAD, off-line and on-line systems

- Illumination


The training activities are divided into two main blocks:

- Explanation of basic tools and procedures

Attendance to theory class

Individual control exercises

- Practical realization


Individual exercises

Group exercises

Both theory and practice classes are held in front of a computer. Students always have the presence of the teacher to make inquiries about the practice, professors are also available out of lecture’s hours to answer questions. The school facilities are available after school hours, so that students can use the computer equipment.


The subject has two differentiated blocks, the average is made of the grade of each part, higher of equal to 4: 2D (60%) and 3D (40%).

Each block has the same evaluation structure:

A) 20% Continuous assessment on Theory, made of the average of attendance and the average grade of class exercises, being required a minimum of 80% of attendance. (Individual work)

B) 40% Average grade of practice. This must be higher or equal to 4 so the average with the exam and the continuous evaluation can be made. The breakdown of the grade is updated annually in estudy, as well as the calendar. (Made of individual and group exercises). However, the general breakdown is the same in both blocks (2D and 3D):

• 20% Practice attendance (individual grade).

• 20% Blog updating with theory and/or practice posts (individual grade).

• 60% Average of the practice deliveries (group or individual grade according to the type of delivery)

C) 40% Final exam grade. This grade must be higher or equal to 4 to make the average with the practice and the continuous assessment marks. (Individual work)


Students with a grade lower than 4 in the 2D must go to the 2D extraordinary call.

Students with a grade between 4 and 4.9 in 2D, will depend on the 3D final grade to be able to pass the subject, if the average is higher o equal to 5 the subject is passed, if the average is lower than 5 the student must go to the extraordinary call of any of the failed parts.

Students with more than 5 on the 2D grade, have passed this part, in the case of retaking the subject and if the 2D exams average is higher or equal to 5, the theory grade is saved 1 year (only the practice part needs to be done, which is not going to be saved).

Students with a grade lower than 4 in the 3D must go to the 3D extraordinary call.

Students with a grade between 4 and 4.9 in 3D, will depend on the 2D final grade to be able to pass the subject, if the average is higher o equal to 5 the subject is passed, if the average is lower than 5 the student must go to the extraordinary call of any of the failed parts.

Students with a grade higher or equal to 5 in the 3D, have passed this part, in the case of retaking the subject and if the 3D exams average is higher or equal to 5, the theory grade is saved 1 year (only the practice part needs to be done, which is not going to be saved).

Students with a block (2D and / or 3D), with a final grade of NP, need a 7 as a minimum grade to average in the extraordinary recall.

The extraordinary recall allows to recover the exam grade and / or the practice grade, being in this last case necessary to elaborate a new individual project in all its phases (2D and 3D).

In case of copy in practice and / or exam, the existing regulations of the School will be applied, integrating the result in the scoring system of the subject.


EXAM (4p):

• Optimum Progress (4-3): The student reflects the technical aspects explained in the theory classes and uses optimally the tools and techniques indicated in individual exercises

• Adequate progress (3-2): The student uses adequately the techniques and systems explained, with non-relevant errors and / or with a lack of minimum time to finish the proposals

• Fair or slightly deficient progress (2-1): The student tries to use the techniques explained, but makes mistakes that affect the final quality and the completion of the exercise

• Insufficient progress (1-0): The student does not use the techniques explained, which impacts the rhythm of the exercise, which does not end and / or has serious errors


• Optimal progress (4-3): The student is coordinated optimally with the group for the distribution of practice tasks and solve specific problems

• Proper Progress (3-2): The student coordinates properly with the partner, distributing tasks equitably, and have specific problems due to occasional situations.

• Fair or slightly deficient progress (2-1): The student has coordination problems with the partner, affecting the quality and punctuality of deliveries

• Insufficient progress (1-0): The student has coordination problems that affect deliveries repeatedly in terms of quality and punctuality


• Optimum Progress (1-0.75): The student demonstrates to bring the subject up to date by delivering exercises proposed in class that meet the criteria developed in both theory and practice.

• Proper Progress (0.75-0.5): The student demonstrates the knowledge acquired with exercises that meet the minimum quality and quantity required, knowing how to identify the appropriate aspects to develop

• Fair or slightly deficient progress (0.5-0.25): The student makes very basic exercises, broken down, without grouping and with a clear lack of fundamental concepts that leads to errors

• Insufficient progress (0.25-0): The student does not demonstrate a follow-up of the contents, submits exercises and proposals with many errors or in an initial state


• Optimum Progress (1-0.75): The student attendance is higher than 90% (including justifications), participates in class, is active and concerned about their learning pace without loss of time

• Proper Progress (0.75-0.5): The student attendance is in between 70% and 90% (including justifications), shows a correct attitude and use of the class.

• Progress fair or slightly deficient (0.5-0.25): The student attendance is in between 50% and 70% (including justification), showing a fair follow-up with delays and absences in the follow-up of the classes

• Insufficient progress (0.25-0): The student attendance is lower than 50% with continuous absences, delays and a minimum class participation.

Evaluation Criteria
Basic Bibliography

8. Basic information sources. bibliography:

AutoCAD Manual del usuario. Autodesk, Inc.
AutoCAD User Reference. Autodesk Ag.
Jonson, N. AutoCAD: Manual de referencia. McGraw-Hill.
López, J. AutoCAD avanzado. McGraw-Hill.

Additional Material

Access to download websites for the applications used during the course: