Titular Professors
- Students will be apply their knowledge of audio-visual narrative and dramaturgy in creating their own stories.
- Students will learn the principle mechanisms and processes involved in creating a screenplay.
- Students will be capable of creating a screenplay based on narrative objectives.
1. Narrative analysis of short films
2. The pre-production process from idea to storyboard
3. Script format and script analysis
4. Action and dialogue
5. Review of classic structure
6. Closed structures
7. Sequences in script writing
8. Emotional intensity
9. Character Arcs
10. Pitching your screenplay
The NCA is a new teaching methodology adapted by the university that promotes active education placing the student at the centre of the learning process. In this module students will give presentations, teach and respond to their peers, analyse films and take part in discussions. It will be a dynamic learning environment with an emphasis on student participation.
- Attendance and punctuality in compulsory classes, and participation in class presentations of screenplays [20% of the final mark].
- The completion and presentation of an individual screenplay for a short film [40%].
- The completion and presentation of a group screenplay [40%].
Screenplays must be uploaded to the classroom on eStudy. There are no exams or tests. If a student fails the course, a maximum mark of 5/10 may be obtained by recuperating in the second term.
CARRIÈRE, J. C. i BONITZER, P. Práctica del guión cinematográfico. Barcelona: Paidós, 1991.
CHION, M. Cómo se escribe un guión. Madrid: Cátedra, 2000.
DURAN, J. La ficció cinematogràfica, avui. Barcelona: Publicacions i Edicions de la Universitat de Barcelona, 2011.
FIELD, S. El libro del guión. Fundamentos de la escritura de guiones. Madrid: Plot, 1994.
LAVANDIER, Y. La dramaturgia. Los mecanismos del relato: cine, teatro, ópera, radio, televisión, cómic. Madrid: Ediciones Internacionales Universitarias, 2003.
McKEE, R. El guión. Sustancia, estructura, estilo y principios de la estructura de guiones. Barcelona: Alba, 2002.
VALE, E. Técnicas del guión para cine y televisión. Barcelona: Gedisa, 1985.