The act of reading will be interpreted as a hermeneutic response that does not turn the text into a pretext, but sees in it the beginning of an irreducible relationship that engages each individual reader and thus the students here and now.
The starting point of the course will be the relational notion of link analysed from a psychoanalytical perspective, based on Melanie Kleins schema. Narrative literary work will become the guiding thread for the application of the articulation of the authors imagination with the self-discovery of the affective resonances it arouses in the readers imagination.
From a phenomenological and psychological point of view, students should observe the dynamism that the act of reading has introduced into their personal history, conditioning their personal and academic responses.
Reading should be analysed as a creative task, not only to diagnose human behaviour, but also to explore the liberating capacity of the imagination.
Topic 1: Basic concepts
1.1 Literary theory and psychoanalysis.
1.2 Language and the unconscious: narcissism and interpretation
1.3 For a relational psychology: folk storytelling as a setting.
UNIT 2. Family relations and the modernist narrative
Topic 2: The father and the son
2.1 The Law of the Father: Odyssey. Telemachus vs. Oedipus.
2.2. The totemic conflict: The Brothers Karamazovby F. Dostoyevsky.
2.3. Absent fathers: Laurusby E. Vodolazkin.
Topic 3: Mother and child
3.1. The rupture of the link. Medea vs. Rut.
3.2. Internal object and identifying projection: On the Road to Swann, by Marcel Proust.
3.3. Omnipotence and frustration: Mrs. Dalloway, by Virginia Woolf.
Topic 4: The child and the parents
4.1. Loss and lack. Orestes vs. Antigone.
4.2. Paraphilias and narrative desire: Lolita, by Vladimir Nabokov.
4.3. Melancholy and narcissism: Return to Brideshead, by Evelyn Waugh.
UNIT 3. Psychosis and neurosis as symbols of a (post-)modernist narrative
Topic 5: Obsessions and phobias
5.1. Erotic fixation and writing: Lolita by V. Nabokov.
5.2. Religion and spirituality: Laurusby E. Vodolazkin.
Topic 6: Aggression and reparations
6.1. The death of God (and of the father): The Brothers Karamazovby F. Dostoyevsky.
6.2. The memory of paradise and the hope of grace: Return to Brideshead, by E. Waugh.
In-person methodology
The teaching methodology to be used in the teaching of the subject is as follows:
Classroom work:
1. Lectures. Lectures refer to a presentation by the lecturer of the theoretical contents of the subject, orientation of the students on basic and advanced readings, as well as complementary sources of information and the establishment of guidelines and keys for carrying out the theoretical-practical tasks.
2. Continuous assessment Assessment is an integrated part of the teaching-learning process. In this subject there will be continuous assessment that will combine the submission and presentation of assignments with the development of objective (written) tests throughout the semester. At the same time, the teacher will give feedback on the students progress.
Work or activities outside the classroom:
3. Autonomous work by students. The autonomous work of students consists, on the one hand, of reading selected texts and preparing outlines, summaries, concept maps, etc. based on them; and on the other hand, of preparing individual work , especially essays and oral presentations.
4. Tutorial sessions. All students will have the possibility of requesting individual or group tutorials, by appointment, from the teaching staff. These tutorials may be aimed at resolving doubts regarding both the content and the preparation of the assignments.
Written work. An essay on a work or author seen during the course. The following criteria will be taken into account in the assessment: originality of the approach, care taken in the methodology, the ability of the style and the application of the contents. 40%
Oral presentation. Ability to publicly defend ones own research and deal with criticism and suggestions from the group. 20%
Personalised and group tutoring. Two monthly follow-up meetings distributed as follows: A personal tutorial to follow up on the preparation of the work. Preparation of the topic and the development of the state of the art will be assessed; A group tutorial to monitor the application of the readings to the learning process. The readings carried out, the comments made, the originality of the proposals and the capacity for interaction between the participants will be valued. 25%
Participation in class. Interaction between the students and the teacher will be assessed on the basis of the proposed readings, both theoretical (psychoanalytical) and practical (commentaries on the literary readings). 15%
The assessment criteria are the same as in the ordinary exam, so all the assessment activities considered in the course must be provided. Marks will be kept for all the activities carried out, pending the completion of any pending activities. The same weighting criteria will be applied in this assessment as in the ordinary assessment.
Nabokov, Vladimir. Lolita. Barcelona: Tusquets, 2018.
Proust, Marcel. Por los caminos de Swamm. Madrid: Alianza Editorial. 2016.
Vodolazkin, Evgeni. Laurus. Madrid: Ed. Armenia, 2022.
Waugh, Evelyn. Retorno a Brideshead. Barcelona: Tusquets, 2010.
Woolfe, Virginia. La señora Dalloway. Barcelona: DeBolsillo, 2018.
Bachelard, Gaston. Poética del espacio. México: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2012.
Bajtin, Mijail, Teoría y estética de la novela. Madrid: Taurus, 1989.
Bettelheim, Bruno. Psicoanálisis de los cuentos de hadas. Barcelona: Crítica, 1994.
Bowlby, John. Vínculos afectivos: Formación, Desarrollo y Pérdida.
Eco, Umberto, Lector in fabula: la cooperación interpretativa en el texto narrativo. Barcelona: Lumen, 2000.
Freud, Sigmund. El malestar de la cultura. Madrid: Alianza Editorial, 2015.
Freud, S. Más allá del principio de placer. Obras Completas XVIII. Buenos Aires: Amorrortu, 1992.
Freud, S. Tres ensayos de teoría sexual. Obras Completas VII. Buenos Aires: Amorrortu, 1992.
Hernández Espinosa, Víctor. Las psicosis. Sufrimiento mental y comprensión psicodinámica. Barcelona: Paidós, 2008.
Klein, Melanie. Amor, culpa y reparación. Barcelona: Paidós, 2016.
Kristeva, Julia. Le génie fémenin: Melanie Klein. París: Gallimard, 2002.
Lacan, Jacques. Los cuatro conceptos fundamentales del psicoanálisis. Barcelona: Paidós, 1999.
Lacan, J. Los cuatro conceptos fundamentales del psicoanálisis. Buenos Aires-Barcelona-México, 1999.
Mauron, Charles. Des métaphores obsédantes au mythe personnel. Paris: Corti, 1963.
Nicolò, Anna María. Psicoanàlisis y familia. Barcelona: Herder, 2015.
Sainz Bermejo, Francesc. Winnicott y la perspectiva relacional en el psicoanálisis. Barcelona: Herder, 2017.
Segal, Hanna. Introducción a la obra de Melanie Klein. Barcelona: Paidós, 2015.
Tizón, Jorge Luis. Pérdida, pena, duelo. Barcelona: Herder, 2013.Hernández Espinosa, Víctor. Las psicosis. Sufrimiento mental y comprensión psicodinámica. Barcelona: Paidós, 2008.
Klein, Melanie. Amor, culpa y reparación. Barcelona: Paidós, 2016.
Kristeva, Julia. Le génie fémenin: Melanie Klein. París: Gallimard, 2002.
Lacan, Jacques. Los cuatro conceptos fundamentales del psicoanálisis. Barcelona: Paidós, 1999.
Lacan, J. Los cuatro conceptos fundamentales del psicoanálisis. Buenos Aires-Barcelona-México, 1999.
Mauron, Charles. Des métaphores obsédantes au mythe personnel. Paris: Corti, 1963.
Nicolò, Anna María. Psicoanàlisis y familia. Barcelona: Herder, 2015.
Sainz Bermejo, Francesc. Winnicott y la perspectiva relacional en el psicoanálisis. Barcelona: Herder, 2017.
Segal, Hanna. Introducción a la obra de Melanie Klein. Barcelona: Paidós, 2015.
Talarn, Antoni et alia, Relaciones, vivencias y psicopatologia: Las bases relacionales del sufrimiento mental excesivo.
Tizón, Jorge Luis. Pérdida, pena, duelo. Barcelona: Herder, 2013.