This subject is expected to provide students a wide vision of the Accounting - Financial aspects of companies. Focusing on three major areas: - Concepts of General Accounting and finance of a company - Financial short-term Planning. Budgets - Economic and Financial Analysis
Type Subject
Optativa que no es cursa
Previous Knowledge



The students acquire the knowledge, and develop the skills that are indicated:

To acquaint the students with the accounting terminology and the contents of the financial reports (annual reports). The student must acquire the concepts, principles and procedures that allow him (her) a correct interpretation of the books (general journal), the accounts (general ledger), balance sheet, and statement of losses and earnings and annual report.

To provide the student the descriptive and conceptual knowledge to elaborate a financial short-term plan or budget. The financial planning gathers the economic valuation of all the strategic plans of the company and guarantees the viability. Under this view the budget turns into a management tool: planning the future, and of control: checking its fulfillment. The aim is the production of a projected Balance sheet and Income statement, and planning of the treasury of the next year. This will help the decision taking from a management perspective. The subject forces us to contemplate the accounting documents in a real dimension, that is to say, as working documents to determine where the company is and towards where it is heading from a cash flow point of view.

- To acquire the ability to analyze companies from the financial statements.
- To learn the tools of analysis in spreadsheet format.
- To develop the capacity to understand the financial statements.
- To learn how to ask the right questions in order to understand better the balance sheets.
- To learn to relate overall financial aspects.
- To study the weak and strong points of a company according to the financial information.


The Subject has 3 parts which detailed agenda is the following one:

1st Part: Concepts of general Accounting and finance of the company

1.- Introduction to the Financial Accounting
1.1. The patrimony: goods, rights and obligations
1.2. The assets: the accounts
1.3. Patrimonial classification: Investment and funding
1.4. The double entry method
1.5. The Balance sheet
1.6. The general journal
1.7. The general ledger
1.8 Income and expenses: The account of losses and earnings
Objective: To know the basic concepts of the accounting. Theoretical and practical point of view

Chapter 2: The Fixed assets
1. Concept
2. Fictitious assets: Expenses of establishment and expenses to distributing in several fiscal years, amortization
3. Tangible and immaterial assets: amortization
4. Concept of cash flow
Objective: Concept of investment. Incorporation of the fixed assets to the results

Chapter 3: Some financial concepts; introduction
1. Economic performance, financial profitability, interest
2. Cost of capital
3. The VAN and the T.I.R. as instruments for the selection of investments.
4. Practical example
5. Analysis of the financial profitability; performance, financial leverage and tax effect.
Objective: To incorporate some necessary knowledge in the economic-financial direction.

2nd Part: Financial planning

Objective: Phases of the elaboration of a financial plan.
Operating Budget. Investment and financial budget
To learn the interpretation of the financial statements

Objective: Provisional Income statement
2. The provisional Income statement

Objective: The provisional Balance
3. The Balance Sheet

Objective: Treasury forecast or cash flow projections
4. Treasury forecast or cash flow projections

3rd Part: Economic financial Analysis

Objective: Learning how to interpret Financial Statements
1. Techniques used for the analysis
2. Analysis of the Ebidta

Objective: Learns to analyze a balance sheet
1. Principal ratios of the balance sheet
2. Analysis of working capital

Objective: The relation between operating accounts and costs
1. Types of costs
2. Breakeven point
3. Operative leverage
4. Variances


The pedagogical approach aims to explain the necessary theoretical concepts from a practical point of view that helps the student to understand and apply them and to develop the related competences. For this reason, the solution of different practical cases by the students is proposed. By means of these cases students develop the theoretical concept that is behind its practical application. At the end of each session, some activities will be proposed so that the student has an active participation during the learning process.


The methods of evaluation used in the subject are:
A. Exams
D. Exercises and Homework
J. Class Participation

Each part will be evaluated as follows:
Aa: Assistance to class (presence, on line) and active participation during class (chats and on line forums)
Bb: Resolution of individual practical cases solved at home and that must be handed in for evaluation.
Cc: Exam

The Final Grade will be calculated according to:
0.15Aa + 0.35Bb + 0.5Cc

The final Grade will be obtained by means of the following considerations:
- Concepts of General Accounting and finance of the company: 1/3 of the final grade
- Financial short-term Planning. Budgets: 1/3 of the final grade
- Accounting-financial analysis: 1/3 of the final grade

To get the average, students must have minimum 3,5 points in each area.
If the minimum grade is not obtained in any area, it will have to be recovered. The approved grades of every matter will be kept within the same period of matriculation (summons of September).

Evaluation Criteria

Objective 1:
- The student must demonstrate that the countable basic terminology has been acquired and is capable of interpreting the accounting book entries (general journal), the accounts (general ledger), as well as the balance sheet, the income statement and annual report. [A, D, J]
- The student must demonstrate that he/she understands the basic concepts of finance, (investment, funding, cash flow, performance (yield), profitability, etc.) [A, D, J].

Objective 2:
- The student must be capable analyzing the economical and financial viability of a financial plan (analyze the results account, treasury statement or cash flow projection and capital budget) [D, J]

Objective 3:
- The student must acquire the aptitude to analyze companies and the key economic data thru the financial statements [A, D, J]
- Must learn to relate several matters from the financial point of view [D, J]

Basic Bibliography

Notes given by the professors for each session.
Finanzas. Análisis y estrategia financiera. Joan Massons i Rabassa. Colección ESADE. 2010.
Finanzas prácticas. Del análisis a la acción. Joan Massons i Rabassa. Colección ESADE. 2006.
Finanzas para directivos. Eduardo Martínez Abascal. McGrawHill. 2006.
Contabilidad y finanzas para no financieros. Oriol Amat. Deusto. 2008.
Análisis de estados financieros. Oriol Amat. Gestión 2000.
Fundamentos y práctica de contabilidad. José Antonio Trigueros Pina y otros. Ediciones Pirámide.
Presupuestos, planificación y control. Glenn A. Welsch, Ronald W. Hilton y Prentice Hall

Additional Material

Interpretación de Estados Financieros. O. Amat. Ed. Gestión 2000
Gestión del presupuesto ABC. Juan Cataldo Pizarro. Editorial Marcombo
Análisis y desarrollos prácticos del Plan general de Contabilidad. José Luis Sánchez Fernández de Valderrama y Enriqueta Gallego Díez. Ediciones Pirámide.
Análisis de los Estados financieros de la empresa. Sebastián Iruretagoyena Celaya. Editorial Donostiarra.
Financial Management and Policy, Ch. 25 Financial Ratio Analysis. Van Horne. Ed. Prentice Hall
Contabilidad de costes y de gestión. Carlos Mallo. Editorial Pirámide
Como elaborar y controlar los presupuestos anuales. Daniel Martinez Pedrós y Artemio Milla Gutierrez. ESIC
Control de gestión y control presupuestario. Carlos Mallo y José Merlo. Editorial McGraw - Hill