Titular Professors
Advanced knowledge of the construction process in all its areas
3. Competences that the subject wants to contribute to develop:
Instrumental competences (IS):
- IS1.Que to be able to analyze and synthesize conceptual frameworks generating new knowledge.
- IS3.Que to be able to acquire basic general knowledge about the area of ​​study
- IS4.They are able to acquire basic knowledge of the profession
- IS8.They are capable of acquiring information management skills
- IS9.They are able to solve problems
- IS10.They are capable of making decisions
- IS11.They are able to acquire basic and fundamental knowledge in the field of training
Interpersonal competences (IT):
- IT1.They are capable of acquiring critical and self-critical capacity
- IT2.They are capable of teamwork
- IT3.They are able to acquire interpersonal skills
- IT4.They are able to work in an interdisciplinary team
Systemic competences (CS):
- CS1.They are able to apply knowledge to practice
- CS2.They are able to acquire research skills
- CS5 That are able to generate new ideas (creativity)
- CS9 Be able to design and manage projects
- CS10 To be able to acquire initiative and entrepreneurial spirit
- CS11 That they are able to worry about quality and continuous improvement
- CS12 To be able to reach new challenges (in the capacity to incorporate new solutions and working methods)
Specific competences:
E-1 Ability to interpret and elaborate the graphic documentation of a project, perform data collection, survey of plans and geometric control of work units.
E-2 Knowledge of infogràfics and cartographic procedures and methods in the field of building.
E-7 Ability to identify the elements and construction systems, define their function and compatibility, and their implementation in the construction process. Pose and resolve constructive details.
E-9 Ability to dictate the causes and manifestations of injuries to buildings, propose solutions to avoid or solve pathologies, and analyze the life cycle of the elements and construction systems.
E-12 Knowledge of the evaluation of the environmental impact of the building and demolition processes, of the sustainability in the building, and of the procedures and techniques to evaluate the energy efficiency of buildings
E-18 Knowledge of construction law and contractual relationships that occur in the different phases of the construction process, as well as the legislation, regulations and specific regulations for the prevention and coordination of occupational health and safety in the workplace. edification.
E-21 Ability to analyze, design and execute solutions that facilitate universal accessibility to buildings and their surroundings.
E-27 Ability to apply the advanced tools necessary for the resolution of the parts involved in the technical project and its management.
E-28 Aptitude to write technical projects of works and constructions, that do not require architectural project, as well as demolition and decoration projects.
E-29 Ability to write documents that are part of execution projects prepared in a multidisciplinary way.
E-30 Capacity to analyze the execution projects and their translation to the execution of the works.
E-31 Knowledge of the functions and responsibilities of the agents involved in the building and their professional or business organization. Administrative procedures, management and processing.
Knowledge of the professional organization and the basic procedures in the field of building and promotion.
And all those specific competences related to the subject that the `White Paper 'refers to.
4. Learning objectives of the subject:
1. To direct the material execution of the construction works, of their installations and elements, carrying out the qualitative and quantitative control of that constructed by the establishment and management of the control plans of materials, systems and execution of work , elaborating the corresponding registers for its incorporation to the Building Book. To take the economic control of the work elaborating the certifications and the liquidation of the executed work.
2. Draw up occupational health and safety studies and plans and coordinate the activity of companies in matters of occupational safety and health in construction works, both in the design and execution phase.
3. Carry out technical activities of calculation, measurements, valuations, appraisals and economic feasibility studies; carry out expert reports, inspections, pathology analysis and other analogous reports and write reports, opinions and corresponding technical documents; carry out surveys of plans in lots and buildings.
4. Prepare technical projects and develop the direction of building works within the scope of their legal authorization.
5. Manage new building technologies and participate in building quality management processes; perform energy efficiency analyzes, evaluations and certifications as well as sustainability studies of buildings.
6. Direct and manage the use, conservation and maintenance of the buildings, writing the necessary technical documents. Prepare studies of the life cycle of materials, construction systems and buildings. Manage the treatment of demolition and construction waste.
5. Thematic blocks in which the contents of the subject are organized:
1. General Concepts.
or `The project'. Different contents, acceptances and points of view.
o Project Management.
o Planning
2. Analysis of project processes.
o Identification of the phases under the Management point of view.
o Identification of the activities according to the Occupied Role. The interfaces.
o Those that intervene in the life process of a project.
o Different scenarios of a project, according to those that intervene and surroundings.
3. The economic structure of a project.
o Concepts of Cost and prices.
o Systematization, statistics. The typologies.
o Analysis of the cost components of a project.
4. The entity or us Management.
o Your paper.
o The professional director of Project.
o Organizational systems.
5. Methodologies and instruments for management:
o Reports.
o Meetings.
o Coordination documents.
6. Objectives and development of project management in the Preliminary and Preliminary phases.
u Objectives of the Phase.
o Definition of the cost structure in the preliminary and previous phase.
o Determination of the `Cash-Flow of the project '.
o Feasibility studies.
o Pre-selection of designers.
o Geotechnical, topographic studies, specialists ...
o Conditions and risks of the phase.
7. Objectives and development of project management in the design phases.
o Identification of the subphases and their different objectives.
o Aspects to be considered, risks and constraints of each of the phases.
8. Objectives and development of project management in the Bidding, contracting phase.
o Recruitment strategies.
o Preselection of companies.
o Documentation for tenders.
o Planning of the phase.
o Aspects, risks and specific conditions of the phase.
9. Objectives and development of project management in the construction phase.
6. Methodological approach of teaching and learning to achieve the objectives:
Theoretical classes of basic concepts / practical classes of documentary audit of real, group and individual projects / homework about alternative solutions and their subsequent public correction in class.
Contents in ECTS credits:
4th course, 5 cr. ECTS, 56% weight in matter: General concepts / analysis of processes and economic structure of the project / the management of the project and its instruments in previous phases, of design, of bidding and of construction / documentary audit.
Total contact hours: 50%, 2.5 cr. ECTS, divided into:
Expository class hours: (IS / IT / CS / B / E) 34% (1.7 ECTS)
Practical class hours: (CS / B / E) 16% (0.8 ECTS)
Total hours of work of the student: 50%, 2.5 cr. ECTS, divided into:
Tutored work: (IT / CS / B / E) 10% (0.5 ECTS)
Non-supervised work: (CS / B / E) 40% (2 ECTS)
Dedication to the subject 5 credits at 26 hours / credit = 130 hours
Semester dedication 18 weeks (16 lectures + 2 exams)
Weekly dedication 130 hours / 18 weeks = 7.2 hours / week
CONCEPT Total hours
Exhibition classes 43
Practical classes 21
Supervised study 6
Individual study 43
Total hours dedicated to the exam margin 113
Hours preparation exams 3
Exam hours 14
7. Evaluation of the level of achievement of the objectives:
A. Exams (IS / IT / CS / E) on theory given and analysis of real projects (30% overall score)
H. Projects (IS / IT / B / E): Documentary audit (20% global note)
G. Practical work (IS / IT / CS / B): Study of alternative solutions (20% global note)
J. Class participation (IS / IT / CS / B / E) (10% overall mark)
M. Project corrections (B / E): Oral defenses in public (20% global note)