Degree in Management of Business and Technology La Salle Campus Barcelona

Degree in Management of Business and Technology

Internationality, technology, innovation, creativity, entrepreneurship, values, and both people and team management are the keys to define this degree. Includes international stages.

Management IT and Information Systems I

This class focuses on the analysis of the business applications of information systems, and provides an introduction to key technologies in both a customer and a business context, such as the internet, networking, telecommunication, and cloud computing. Students will be able to learn on the processes and techniques of managing the information, knowledge and IT functions, and the importance of managing customer and client needs (internal and external) when designing information architectures. Students will also have the opportunity to understand the importance of aligning IT, information, and knowledge resources with corporate strategy and operational priorities.
Type Subject
Tercer - Obligatoria

Titular Professors

Previous Knowledge

This course seeks to help you in:
- Be familiar with the latest business technology concepts.
- Be able to understand the role that technology can play in management settings.
- Be aware of the opportunities and limitations of Information Systems and decision-making.
- Be able to identify the ethical issues that may arise from the use of IS.


The course is organized in 3 blocks.
1- Fundamentals in Technology Management
2- Enterprise Information Systems
3- IS Design, development & implementation


This course is structured with a first block of introductory sessions to then move to a flipped classroom/peer instruction structure. In the first week groups will be formed and each group will have to prepare a session on a topic, covering the different contents that will be discussed in the following weeks. Those specific sessions will be based on the presentation and discussion of a topic by a team of 3 students. Students are expected to use the reference book (Laudon & Laudon) to prepare for the presentations and discussion, and will be provided guidelines in advance. Other sessions will be focused on discussions based on readings, guest lectures and videos, related to the contents of the course.

There will be individual reading assignments: students are expected to read the text assignments prior to class and be prepared to discuss the text material, as well as to prepare discussion questions. In addition, there will be a written assignment for each reading.


The course grade will be based on the following point breakdown:
Participation (including preparation of homework): 10%
Quizzes and assignments: 10%
Presentation and summary of topics (in pairs): 15%
Midterm exam: short answer questions on concepts studied to date: 30%
Final exam: short answer questions (concepts from midterm to final) and discussion questions (a selection of topics from the course as a whole): 35%

Evaluation Criteria
Basic Bibliography

Laudon, Kenneth C. and Laudon, Jane P. (2014). Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital Firm. Global Edition. 13th edition. Harlow. England. Pearson Education Limited.

Additional Material