Degree in Management of Business and Technology La Salle Campus Barcelona

Degree in Management of Business and Technology

Internationality, technology, innovation, creativity, entrepreneurship, values, and both people and team management are the keys to define this degree. Includes international stages.

Sports facilities management

Major sports stadiums and arena are the venues in which the live sports experience are delivered. These multi million euro projects involve highly complex design and construction processes, and when operational are often the ultimate test of resource management. This course traces the history and origins of sports venues up to the present day mutli-use, smart stadiums. We consider the operational, marketing, financial, organizational and security challenges posed by hosting the world's premier sports events. We do this through case studies and field trips - although this year therse will be dependent on the evolution of the COVID 19 situation.
Type Subject

Titular Professors


- Analyse the planning and development of sports facilities as part of the sports industry.
- Understand the role of sports facilities in the context of service sector management theory.
- Critically evaluate the operational, marketing, financial and human resource challenges of sports facility management.
- Understand the role of facility management in the staging of major sports events.
- To investigate the development of smart stadiums and changing sustainability issues in facility design and fan experiences


Topics to be covered:
The History of Sport Facilities
The Olympics - facilities and their management
Smart Arenas and facility development
Sustainable Venues
Crowd Safety and Risk Management
SportQual and fan engagement through facility management
Facility Naming Rights


The methodology utilised will be a combination of theory and practise and the theoretical component in the first part of the semester will be developed through the field visit to London.


The course grade will be based on the following deliverables:
MID TERM: 40% - The completion of a pack of portfolios set from week 1 to week 6
FINAL ASSESSMENT: 40% - This will be an in depth case study of a sport facility
CLASS PARTICIPATION: 20% - Active contribution to class discussions

Basic Bibliography

In addition to the cases we will be discussing in class, you will be expected to keep up to date with current publications in the field through access to the library intranet and social media.