Titular Professors
By the end of the course the students will develop skills in:
- Understanding the Mobile Apps ecosystem from a business and technology perspective.
- Learning and identifying the business opportunities offered by the different technologies available in mobile devices.
- Learning how to create new business models implemented through innovative mobile apps.
- Learning about project management methods for producing a mobile app.
- Developing a mobile app with the use of professional tools.
- Learning about the publishing and distribution processes of a mobile app.
- Understanding the options for promoting an app.
- Learning about the relevance of customer experience and user behavior measurement from a business perspective.
On the completion of this course students will be able to:
- Understand the mobile apps market and the main players.
- Understand the main technologies present in a mobile device and their practical use.
- Understand how disruption is introduced through Business Model Innovation
- Understand how to create an innovative Mobile Business Model.
- Develop a simple mobile app with professional tools.
- Understand the process to publish and market a mobile app in Google Play and the App Store.
- Understand how to promote and measure the success of the app
Mobile Ecosystem
- Mobile App Opportunity
- Mobile market growth
- Mobile growth drivers
- Mobile technology stack: Devices and Operating Systems
Mobile as a Channel
- Changing expectations of mobile consumers.
- Customer Journey
- Multichannel vs Omni-channel
Mobile Business Models
- Disruption through Business Model Innovation
- Lets review some Business Model Patterns
- How to innovate on Business Models
- Business Model Canvas: (workgroup)
- Value Proposition Canvas: (workgroup)
Mobile technologies enabling innovation Project Management
- Project Management Methodologies
- Mobile Project Management - Agile / Scrum
Mobile App Development
Online Shop. Develop our own advanced MobinQube plugins.
User behavior and customer experience
Marketing Plan
As Mobile technologies and apps are shaping the world we live in, the learning experience is based on teaching methods that encourage student participation, discussions and practical hands-on experience on app development and marketing fundamentals. Classes will concentrate on the main Mobile App Management topics while case studies may require in-class discussions. We will also draw on a vast array of multimedia sources such as videos, podcasts and blogs to supplement written material.
Your final grade consists of five parts:
- Attendance :10%
- Participation: 20%
- Midterm exam: 25%
- Final project - App Development: 20%
- Final Project - Presentation Delivery and Pitch: 25%
- George Berkowski (2014) How to Build a Billion Dollar App: Discover the secrets of the most successful entrepreneurs of our time, Piatkus. ISBN: 978-0349401379.
- Croll, A., & Yoskovitz, B. (2013). Lean analytics: Use data to build a better startup faster. Eric Ries, Series Editor, Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly.
- Oliver Gassmann, Karolin Frankenberger, Michaela Csik (2015). The St. Gallen Business Model Navigator, FT Publishing International. ISBN: 9781292065816.
- Ash Maurya (2012) Running Lean: Iterate from Plan A to a Plan That Works, Eric Ries, Series Editor, OReilly. ISBN: 978-1-449-30517-8.
- Ash Maurya (2016) Scaling Lean: Mastering the Key Metrics for Startup Growth, Portfolio Penguin. ISBN: 978-0241279243.
- Alexander Osterwalder; Yves Pigneur (2010) Business Model Generation, John Wiley & Sons. ISBN: 978-0470-87641-1.
- Alexander Osterwalder; Yves Pigneur; Gregory Bernarda; Alan Smith (2015) Value Proposition Design How to Create Products and Services Customers Want, Hoboken Wiley.
- Eric Ries (2011) The lean startup : how today's entrepreneurs use continuous innovation to create radically successful businesses, Crown Business. ISBN: 9788423409495
- Jeff Sutherland (2014) Scrum: The Art of Doing Twice the Work in Half the Time, Crown Business. ISBN13: 9780385346450.