Knowledge of basic concepts of drawing and other systems of representation.
RA.01 Imagine, translate languages, composition, logic and graphic tools. Draw action. Abstraction.
RA.02 Knowledge of perspective. Work time in architecture through changing spaces. Distorting is space to accommodate it in your interests. Act on the idea of drawing and thinking in motion, as in projecting. Work on the representation of the built space (volumes).
RA.03 Knowledge of the fine arts as a factor that can influence the quality of architectural design.
RA.04 Practice of perspective and mastery of drawing. Expressiveness. Color. let go, learn from your own mistakes and limitations, see space and architecture in action, find your personal graphic language. Work on the representation of living space (atmospheres)
RA.05 Be able to imagine and feel space from a 2D drawing, move it to 3D, and create an ecosystem that is not only volumetric but also sound. Abstraction with strokes and impulses (drawing action) and sound.
RA.06 Reflect on new forms of domesticity and the dimension of photography and performance as means of expression.
RA.07 Architectural communication. Architectural language. Dihedral. 2D. The floor.
RA.08 Architectural communication. Architectural language. Dihedral. 2D. The section. Materials. Construction.
RA.09 Project communication in architecture. Diagrams. Abstraction. Communication. Architectural language for the action of projecting
The course is divided into two lines of learning, the first (line 1) consists of a series of exercises where the student will be more autonomous and must work outside the classroom following the instructions of the teachers to address the issues that will arise. The other line (line 2) will consist of the development of exercises that will be presented and developed during the class schedule.
Line 1 will follow a vertical and evolutionary scheme that the student will develop throughout the annual course so that he himself realizes his own evolution and improvement. The practices of this line are based on two topics:
A. Urban Sketching: Urban recognition, freehand drawing.
B. Perspective in transformation: Representation, imagination, spatial transformation, position, scale.
Line 2 will have a more horizontal development so that learning blocks will be proposed throughout the course, with a limited beginning and end, where the student will develop a technique linked to a learning experience induced or provoked by the teachers of the subject. . The activities are programmed in relation to the following concepts:
1. TRAINING: Draw as action, abstraction. Imagine, translation of languages, composition, logic graphic tool.
2. FROM THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN: Photography, scenography and performativity. Spatial and graphic composition; components of architectural space.
3. FROM THE INSIDE LOOKING OUT: Models. Spatialize, architectural communication.
4. Inverted CREATION: Analysis. Tools for ideation, analysis and architectural logic.
5. WE ARE ...: Maps and cartographies. Logics and representations of spatial signaling.
Finally there is a third line of activities shared with other areas of knowledge through 4 exercises in the framework of the CLASSROOM BARCELONA - LA SALLE
These three lines of work will complement each other and will have the same goal: to make the student learn to look, communicate and communicate through drawing.
The student must attend class as the only way to pass the subject. This is a workshop class where your attendance is the only way that will allow you to evolve normally.
The method of work will be different in each of the lines of work. Line of work 1, of vertical development over time, will be presented as an exercise that the student will develop outside of class hours. Specific correction dates will be established, during class hours) where each student will be able to show their work and receive comments from teachers.
On the other hand, line 2 of work, horizontal development, will be worked and supervised in the classroom, or outside it, but always within the class schedule. The work developed during these sessions will be delivered on the same day or, exceptionally, on the date stipulated by the teachers.
At the beginning of each block of work, theoretical or explanatory classes will be given where the student can understand the statement of what is asked and get a general idea of the content of the block in which the next sessions will be worked.
The subject of drawing is coordinated with history, a subject that is done the same day in the previous schedule, so we will take advantage of the days of departure through the city where the student can enjoy the explanations of the teachers of history and drawing within it location, without the need for students to return to school.
Line 3 of work will be developed in a shared way with other Subjects under the umbrella of the AULA BARCELONA - LA SALLE
The evaluation is continuous throughout the course, by means of the global qualification of all the exercises presented, in which will value the distinct appearances enunciated in the subjects approached.
The subject begins with basic concepts and grows in complexity. The evolution of the student is very important, so a serious involvement is required, which involves attendance (and punctuality) in class and an effort in the execution of the exercises. Attendance of less than 75% of the sessions, and always with a justified cause, will mean that the student is listed as not presented.
Evaluation systems:
E8 Practical work 80%
E10 Presentations 10%
E7 Class participation 10%
100% recovery exams
Rating of 1-10:
excellent 10-9
remarkable 8-7
approved 6-5
suspended 4-0
About general knowledge of drawing:
Ching, Frank. 'Manual del dibujo arquitectónico'. 3a ed. rev. amp. México D.F: Gustavo Gili, 1992.
Ching, Frank. 'Dibujo y proyecto'. Barcelona: Gustavo Gili, 1999.
Schaarwachter, Georg. Perspectiva para arquitectos. Barcelona: Gustavo Gili, 1969.
Magali Delgado, Ernest Redondo. Dibujo a mano alzada para arquitectos. Barcelona: Parramón, 2004.
Nicolaides, Kimon. The natural way to draw. Boston: Houghton Miflin Company, 1969.
Eissen, Koos. Presenting architectural designs. London: Architecture Design and technology press, 1990.
Crowe, Norman and Paul Laseau. Visual notes. Melbourne: Van Nostrand Reinold Company, 1984.
Heuser, Karl Christian. Freehand drawing and sketching. Melbourne: Van Nostrand Reinold Company, 1980.
Berger, John. Sobre el dibujo. Editorial Gustavo Gili, SL, 2011.
Berger, John. Berger on Drawing. Occasional Press, Cork, en 2005.
Pallasma, Juhani. La mano que piensa. Editorial Gustavo Gili, SL, 2012
On other issues:
Ruskin, John. Les tècniques del dibuix. Barcelona: Laertes 1999.
Ficacci, Luigi. Giovanni Battista PIRANESI. Köln, London, Madrid, New York, París, Tokio: Taschen, 2006.
Cullen, Gordon. El paisaje urbano: tratado de estética urbanística. 6a ed. Barcelona: Blume: Labor, 1974.
Mc. Luhan, Marshall & Fiore, Quentin. The medium is the massage. Ed. Penguin Books, 1967