Basic Electronics. Analog Electronic Circuits. Circuit Analysis. Electric Physics.
Students who do this subject achieve and develop the following knowledge and abilities:
1. Acquire a capacity for analysis and synthesis in the study and design of digital circuits.
2. Have a basic general knowledge of the studied area.
3. Be able to confront the resolution of problems proposed on digital systems design.
4. Working in a team in systems design and implementation.
5. Have the ability to manage information received from different sources, to apply it to the problems posed and the practices designed.
6. Identify and have the capacity to apply knowledge to practice in a laboratory setting.
1. D/A and A/D Converters
1.1 Introduction to D/A and A/D converters
1.2 D/A Converters
1.3 A/D Converters
2. Power Electronics Introduction
2.1 Introduction to Power Electronics Systems and Devices
2.2 Power Diodes
2.3 Power Bipolar Transistors
2.4 Thyristor
2.5 Thyristor commutation techniques
Laboratory practices:
Signal conversion digital system design and implementation.
This subject can be followed in a presential format or in a semipresential format (telematic environment).
The methodology used in the presential format is based on theoretical lessons and laboratory sessions.
Theory lessons basically consist of theoretical explanations of the subject´s contents and resolving of problems related to these contents. In each theory block, problems are posed for the students to resolve at home, and some of them are also discussed and solved in class with the students participation.
Practices are realized freely in the laboratories. In a first session the teacher explains the theoretical background needed to do the practice. The students must then do them alone, in small working teams, with, if requested, monitor supervision and help. At the end, students have to give a technical report and the hardware assembly of the practice.
For the student´s better performance he/she has the possibility of personalized consultations on the subject, at a contents level, or on any other related matter (studying methods, planning, practical designs, problems correction )
The methodology used in the semipresential format is based on personal work of the student to achieve the contents with the bibliography and other material (notes, set of problems ), and also a called `Study Guide´, structured in `Digital Sessions´, which replaces the theoretical lessons. Students are called to use a telematic environment and its resources (`virtual classrooms´, e-mail, forums ) to interchange information, resolve problems, etc.
Like in the presential format, laboratory sessions are used in semipresential format.
A. Exams
C. Quizzes
D. Assignments done at home
G. Practical work without the computer
K. Laboratory reports
The subject is divided in two clearly different parts: one theoretical and the other practical. Each one of these parts is evaluated separately and must be passed independently in order to pass the subject.
The evaluation of the theory part is obtained from an exam. The assignments done at home may help to compliment this mark.
The evaluation of the practical part is independent of the theoretical part, so it must be passed separately (correct performance and report).
The final mark is calculated, if both theoretical and practice parts are approved, as follows:
Final_Mark = Theory_Mark + (Practice_Mark - 5) * 0.4
In the case of not attending one of the two parts (theory or practice) the subject´s mark will be NP (Not Presented).
Objective 1
Students must know how to analyze and design digital circuits [A,C,D,G,K]
Objective 2
Student must prove to have the basic knowledge related to the subject [A,C]
Objective 3
Students must know how to resolve any problem posed in the field of digital systems design [A,G,K]
Objective 4
Students must have the capacity for organization in order to work and promote team work in system design and implementation [G,K]
Objective 5
Students must have the capacity for synthesis in front of all the information received, in order to applying the knowledge acquired to the practical design and being able to solve any problem [G,K]
Objective 6
Students must have the capacity to apply the knowledge to the practices in a laboratory environment [G,K]
Alan B. Grebene, Bipolar and MOS Analog Integrated Circuit Design, John Wiley & Sons, 1984
M.H. Rashid, Power electronics. Circuits, Devices and Applications, Prentice-Hall, 2nd Ed., 1993
H. Taub, D. Shilling, Digital Integrated Electronics, McGraw-Hill, 1977
J. Millman, H. Taub, Circuitos de Pulsos Digitales y de Conmutación, McGraw-Hill, 1971
N. Mohan, W.P. Robbins, T.M. Undeland, Power Electronics: Converters, Applications and Design, John Wiley & Sons, 1989