The theoretical part is based on a series of conceptual capsules based on Bruce Mau's incomplete manifesto, illustrated with many examples of multimedia projects for the last 10 years. From previous knowledge of each student, is conducting a series of papers, some individual and others in the group where they develop a range of projects from idea to final realization and presentation in public.
Type Subject
Primer - Obligatoria
Previous Knowledge

The master hosts a wide range of input profiles, so that the course aims to enhance creativity based on prior knowledge, whatever.


The course has two main objectives. On the one hand, to develop the student's ability to generate new ideas, to innovate, to experiment, in short, to create. On the other hand, give it the ability to make their projects, and materialize them tangible media that can reach the end user.

There are other objectives, such as the following:

- Ability to criticism and selfcriticism
- Interpersonal skills
- Ability to work in a multidisciplinary team
- Ability to generate new ideas (creativity)
- Design and project management
- Concern for quality and continuous improvement
- Motivation to face new challenges
- Commitment to ethical
- Realization of memoirs written and public presentation


1 - In-depth knowledge of several informatic tools
2 - Refocus of these tools
3 - Analysis of multimedia projects
4 - Idea generation techniques
5 - Creation and development of personal projects
6 - Multidisciplinary work
7 - Creation and development of group projects
8 - Submission of projects


The subject's face. This class provides the skills needed to make the practices so that students can assimilate the content. Different methods will be used to consolidate this knowledge efficiently:

1. Lectures:
The teacher taught in each class a number of theoretical concepts illustrated with current examples drawn from diverse fields like art, graphic design, digital animation, video games, etc..
Besides theoretical concepts will review the basics of computer tools and delve into various aspects of each.

2. Practical classes:
For the perfect assimilation of the contents in each class will have an internship to help complete understanding of the issues. Each practice will consist of a research phase, development phase and implementation phase. Depending on the needs, the practice will have to be finished during class or may be continued at home.

3. Personal work:
During the course there will be an individual project where you apply all the student's previous knowledge and new acquired during classes.

4. Group work:
The following three projects will be multidisciplinary group, ensuring that each student works in the area that interests you develop (producciión, design, programming, ...), so that each group has members with different capacities for better development the project.


A. projects
During the course there will be four in which students will develop all the knowledge acquired during the course. They must demonstrate that they have assimilated the theoretical concepts have acquired a habit of research and are able to develop and materialize an idea.

B. Work done in class and home
Daily work, both made ​​in class as they run out at home will be taken into account when assessing the student's overall work.

C. Written paper of projects
Each project has to be supplemented by a report that explains the idea, its origin and development as well as the method of work, materials used and the implementation process.

D. presentations
Each project will be presented to the class, assessing the communicative quality, the clarity of presentation and the ability to critique and feedback from the class and the designer.

E. Participation in class
Class participation will be highly considered, both questions and answers as input from both theoretical and practical material.

Evaluation Criteria

Goal 1: Capacity of Analysis and Synthesis.
Evaluated with [A, B]

Goal 2: Ability to organize and plan.
Evaluated with [A, B]

Goal 3: oral and written communication in their own language.
Evaluated with [C, D]

Goal 4: Self-criticism.
Evaluated with [A, B, C, D, E]

Goal 5: Teamwork.
Evaluated with [A]

Goal 6: Ability to work in a multidisciplinary team.
Evaluated with [A]

Goal 7: Ability to apply knowledge to practice.
Evaluated with [A, B]

Goal 8: Research skills.
Evaluated with [A, B]

Goal 9: Ability to adapt to new situations.
Evaluated with [A, B, E]

Target 10: Ability to generate new ideas (creativity).
Evaluated with [A, B, E]

Target 11: Design and Project Management.
Evaluated with. [A, B, C, E]

Target 12: Concerns over the quality and continuous improvement.
Evaluated with [A, B, C, D, E]

Target 13: Motivation to face new challenges.
Evaluated with [A, B, E]

Target 14: Ethical.
Evaluated with [A, B]

Target 15: Sensitivity for the environment.
Evaluated with [A, B, C]

Basic Bibliography

-Simplicity, the art of complexity. Ars electronica2006. Ed Hatje Cantz
-CyberArts 2006. Prix ars electronica2006. Ed. Hatje Cantz
-CyberArts 2007. Prix ars electronica2006. Ed. Hatje Cantz
-Sintopía(s). De la relación entre arte, ciencia y tecnología. Instituto Cervantes.
-Q07. Estructures-Xarxes-Col-lectius. Un segment conector. Fundación Rodriguez ed.
-Art Tech Media. Montse Arbelo y Joseba Franco. Fundación Salamanca Ciudad de Cultura.
-Catálogos Art futura

Additional Material