Titular Professors
The objectives of this course are;
1. to learn the basic concepts of commercial law;
2. to summarize basic legal concepts and apply them to business issues;
3. to learn basic requirements of different types of contracts, and identify the rights and obligations of the parties;
4. to be able to discuss and argue about possible outcomes of a contractual situation; and
5. to be able to analyze the situations from a legal point of view.
- Critical Thinking.
- Basic theoretical knowledge of the subject.
- Development of written and oral communication skills.
- Development of analytical skills.
- Problem-solving skills.
- Teamwork.
- Cross-cultural skills.
- Creativity.
AGENDA FOR THE SESSIONS: Below you can find a tentative schedule. Since commercial law is based on the needs in commercial life, it is practical. Therefore we will be having many discussions, and daily life cases, specifically to liaise with the intricacies of business law. According to the rthym we have in class, the schedule may be changed.
Week 1 Introduction to the Course
Welcome and Introduction to the Course
Week 2 Business Organizations
Forming a Registered Company
Week 3 Companies Law
Company Meetings and Shareholders
Week 4 Principles of Contract Law
Week 5 Agreement for the Purchase and Sale of Goods
Week 6 Incoterms Do´s and Do not´s
Week 7 Agency and Distribution Agreements
Week 8 Franchise Agreements
Week 9 Settling Your Own Organization in Foreign Countries
and Experience In Emerging Markets
Week 10 Companies Structural Changes
Week 11 Share and/or Business Acquisition
Week 12 Joint Venture Agreements
Week 13 Finance Agreements
Week 14 Dispute Resolution
Week 15 Presentations
Week 16 Revision in preparation for Final Exam.
The learning experience is based on a range of teaching methods that seek to foster your understanding of the law and the development of your analytical skills. A hands-on approach is crucial throughout the course with out-of-class readings, assignments and exercises; in class activities and discussions.
Pro-active participation is the key to success in this class. Since there will be times that we will be skipping a chapter with a few words or covering topics that are not included in your textbooks, the easiest way to learn the subjects, to prepare the assignments and to be successful in the exams is to attend to the classes regularly.
Please keep in mind that you are expected to respect the following rules;
Punctuality: Try to come to the classes on time. In case you come late, which shall not exceed 10 minutes in any case, make sure that you enter the class silently.
Deadlines: There is no excuse in real life to not to meet a deadline, nor in this class. If you have an extraordinary situation, it shall be communicated on time.
Academic integrity: When you are given an assignment, make sure that you make it with your own wording. You are not expected to use legal terminology, what is important is to show that you got the concept and able to discuss about it. Make sure that the references you have used are shown properly in your work if not, the assignment you have submitted will be disregarded.
Cell-phones: As a proof of respect please keep your mobiles in silent mode without vibration.
Coursework policy.
The completion of the coursework together with the quality of participation need to meet the minimum of 50% in order to be promoted in this subject. Coursework consists of:
In-class activities
Regarding presentations, you will provide an outline at the time you speak, give feedback to your classmate presentations.
Formatting for the assignments & exercises:
Times New Roman
Font 12
Margins: Top 2,5 cm; Bottom 2,5 cm; Left 3 cm; Right 3 cm.
Reference system
The Course grade will be based on the following point breakdown:
20% Quality participation, attitude, daily in & out-of-class effort, rich feedback provided & proof of readings assigned.
20% Teamwork assignment.
20% Personal assignments.
40% Final Exam
Prerequisite to pass this course is to meet the minimum percentage of 50% total.
Point breakdown for the retake exam:
The percentage to pass the course after a retake exam is 60%. This will be the maximum grade achievable.
Required Textbook
Title: Law for Business Students, 7th Edition.
Author: Alix Adams.
Publisher: Pearson Education Limited.
ISBN: 978-1-4082-8707-2
Edition: 2012
iChapters: http://www.mylawchamber.co.uk/adams
This site provides support and extra material for students to access and to check their progress.
The subjects that are not covered in the above written book, will be provided as additional material or requested as a reading assignment through university intranet.