This course aims to explore theoretical and empirical knowledge on this subject as well as introducing students to ongoing discussions in the field. It will be divided into two parts: the first will establish a background through a study of different theories as well as historical and modern cases; the second part explore how modern technological innovations transform and are likely to further revolutionize our societies, our lives, our world.
Type Subject

Titular Professors

Previous Knowledge

On the completion of this course students will be able to:

Understand the evolution of technology and the innovation process.

Develop an awareness of historic relation between theories of growth and the challenge brought by the introduction of innovation to these theories.

Understand how innovation can influence developing nations and the concept leapfrogging.

Critically evaluate limits of catch-up growth.

Understand the role played by state in enabling or preventing growth and innovation.

Understand manifold ways innovation change societies.

Produce a project that employs various theories, models and ideas of innovation in action.


Below you can find the main topics that will be covered.

Topic 1
Introduction to the course

Topic 2
Studies about innovation

Topic 3
What is technology? How does it change?

Topic 4
Project Meeting - 1

Topic 5
Economic Growth

Topic 6
Solow Model

Topic 7
Building and upgrading technological capacity

Topic 8
Innovation Systems

Topic 9
Diffusion of technology

Topic 10
Leapfrogging 1: Technological learning

Topic 11 – 13
Leapfrogging 2: Case Studies

Topic 12
Project Meeting – 2

Topic 14
Leapfrogging 3: Limits of Leapfrogging

Topic 15
Public policy, innovation and growth

Topic 16
Role of government – Thinking through Schumpeter

Topic 17
How do governments fail?

Topic 18-19-20-21-22-23
Group Projects

Topic 24
Reflection Paper Due

Topic 23
Final thoughts


Class sessions will feature of a combination of: Lectures; discussions; student presentations and group projects.

Evaluation Criteria

The course grade will be based on the following point breakdown:

Participation and attendance 15%

Pop-Quizzes 10%

Individual Topic Presentation 15%

Mid-term Examination 20%

Final Project 30%

Final reflection paper 10%

Basic Bibliography

A list of required and suggested readings can be found.

Additional Material

In addition students can be interested in following online resources.