24 February 2023

The Corporate Board Council of La Salle Campus Barcelona presents its axes and main projects in the annual council

The Corporate Board Council (CBC) of La Salle Campus Barcelona held its annual council this week in the Congress Hall of the campus. The meeting has served to present the action plan of the main projects and axes to be developed by the CBC. Likewise, six new companies have been welcomed —Accenture, Barcelona Cable Landing Station, Grifols, IBM, Nestlé and Union Avatars— which broaden the profile of members to a total of 21 leading companies, foundations and institutions from sectors as diverse as food, construction, IT consulting, digital, finance, health and pharmaceuticals, logistics, chemicals and vendors, among others.

With the purpose of being a key social actor in the development of entrepreneurship and economic-social cooperation, the CBC of La Salle Campus Barcelona intends to deploy various projects linked to relevant issues for all its members and with the clear desire to impact positively in society.

The annual council of the CBC has also served to explain the recent constitution of its Executive Committee, which held its first meeting at the beginning of January. Likewise, the forthcoming integration of La Salle-URL, through the Ramon Llull University, into the European university network ENGAGE.EU was reported. The meeting also served for members to explain the reality of their companies and how the CBC can help promote projects for the benefit of all associates and society in general.

The annual council of the CBC closed with an explanation of the evolution of the Interactive Arts & Science Laboratory (IASlab) project, which will become the multisensory hub of southern Europe, a sustainable space that will investigate the interaction between the real world and the world virtual. The CBC wants to continue incorporating more leading companies into its structure with the aim of broadening its perspective and its area of ​​influence, enriching its configuration with the incorporation of new voices that help achieve its objectives by adding value to society.