Double Qualification in Computer Engineering and Multimedia Engineering

Double Degree in Computer Engineering and Multimedia Engineering

La Salle Campus Barcelona offers 5 double degrees in the ICT Engineering and the Business Management field. With the double degrees, you can finish the university studies in 5 academic years with two official degree qualifications

Department Collaboration II

GM016 DEPT. COL. II London Sports Facilities Study Tour This course aims to provide students with an insight into the management of sports facilities in London as one of the world´s sporting capitals and upcoming host of the 2012 Summer Olympic Games. Students will undertake preparatory sessions before travelling to London for several days in order to experience sports facilities and associated developments first hand. Cases will be selected from the wide range of facilities in London, such as Wembley, the O2 arena, Wimbledon, Twickenham, Lords and venues for the 2012 Games, which will be used to analyse issues of facility management. The visit will be followed by a series of sessions to reflect on the field visits the future of sports facility management
Type Subject
Previous Knowledge

The objectives of this course are to:

- Analyse the planning and development of sports facilities.
- Understand the role of sports facilities in the context of service sector management theory.
- Critically evaluate the operational, marketing, financial and human resource challenges of sports facility management.
- Experience the management of a variety of facilities in situ in a different social, cultural and economic context.
- Understand the role of facility management in the staging of major sports events.


Agenda Sessions and Course Syllabus


Objectives and Topics by Session


Objective: Introduction: sports facilities as part of service sector management and their planning and development
Why and how sports facilities are developed. Stakeholder management. Trends in new facility development.
Reading to undertake before class:
Scwartz, E et al (2009) Sport Facility Operations Management: A Global Perspective, Butterworth-Heinemann. ISBN 1856178366. Chapters 2, 3 and 4


Objective: Management challenges in sports facilities: operations and finance
Discussion of the key operations and finance challenges in sports facility management.
Required readings before class:
Scwartz, E et al (2009) Sport Facility Operations Management: A Global Perspective, Butterworth-Heinemann. ISBN 1856178366. Chapters 5, 7 and 8.


Objective: Management challenges in sports facilities: marketing and HR
Discussion of the key marketing and HR challenges in sports facility management.
Required readings before class:
Scwartz, E et al (2009) Sport Facility Operations Management: A Global Perspective, Butterworth-Heinemann. ISBN 1856178366. Chapters 6 and 10.

Objective: London study tour


Objective: Analysis and reflections from the London study tour
Synthesis of key messages from study tour experiences.

Objective: The future of sports facility management
How the sports facilities of the near future might look. Hand-in of case analyses.


Objective: Presentation of group digital diary


The class sessions will involve a dynamic combination of theory and practice. Students will be required to read before coming to class and be prepared to discuss relevant issues in the group, as well as being able to apply their knowledge to practical examples. Students will travel to London for an intense study tour combining industrial visits with guest speakers where the majority of contact hours will take place.


Continuous Assessment
There are three forms of assessment for this course:
1) Case analyses (70% - 35% for each case)
Choose two of the case study facilities visited on the study tour and analyse them using the following criteria:
Background and history
Planning and development issues
Ownership model
Organisational structure
Management challenges related to: marketing, operations, human resources, finance
Future challenges for the facility (include a SWOT analysis)

2) Participation (30%).
Attendance to class and field study visits - contribution to debates and discussions. If a student misses one of the industrial visits in London without justification they will automatically score 0 from 30. Students will be required to keep a digital diary of the field study visits that must be handed-in and will contribute to the participation grade. Individual diaries will be combined to form a group diary to document the field study experience.

Retake policy:
- Students failing the case analyses will be able to re-take by choosing two different cases.

Evaluation Criteria
Basic Bibliography

Core text:
Scwartz, E et al (2009) Sport Facility Operations Management: A Global Perspective, Butterworth-Heinemann. ISBN 1856178366

Additional Material

Additional reading:
Ammon, R et al (2010) Sport Facility Management: Organizing Events & Mitigating Risks, 2nd edition, Fitness Information Technology. ISBN 1935412078
Masterman, G (2004) Strategic Sports Event Management: An international approach, Elsevier. ISBN 0 7506 5983 1