28 April 2022

Campus members participate in a IALU training in Rome

Between April 20 and 22, six members of La Salle Campus Barcelona —three of them teachers and researchers and three representatives of the administration and services staff— participated in a regional training of the International Association La Salle Universities (IALU) at the Casa Generalizia of La Salle in Rome.

The meeting was attended by 28 representatives of Lasallian university centers in Europe: La Salle Campus Barcelona-URL, La Salle Madrid, UniLaSalle (France), ISFEC-LaSalle Mounier (Paris, France), ECAM La Salle (Lyon, France) and St. Luc (Belgium).

The main objectives of the training were:

  • Share and contrast the feeling of belonging to the Lasallian community of the students of the centers, making a special focus in the context of the pandemic.
  • Explore the Lasallian identity card with a critical and future perspective, adapting to current times.
  • Meet, interact and share time and space with members of the rest of the La Salle university centers in the region.
  • Visit the Casa Generalizia in Rome to delve into the tercentenary history of La Salle.

This training is held every year, and the last course took place in Parmenie, France. This year the meeting has special significance due to the upcoming celebration, in the month of November 2022, of the IALU "Encuentro", the great event in which the Lasallian universities of the world meet, which is co-organized and hosted by the Campus of La Salle-URL and UniLaSalle Beauvais.