Double Degree in Electronic Systems Engineering in Communications and Management of ICTS La Salle Campus Barcelona

Double Degree in Electronic Systems Engineering in Communications + in Engineering in the Management of ICTs

La Salle Campus Barcelona offers 5 double degrees in the ICT Engineering field. With the double degrees, you can finish the university studies in 5 academic years with two official degree qualifications.

Business and Engineering

The Business and Engineering course aims to show how business and management concepts and skills have become all important in the world of engineering and innovation. Understanding today’s globalised world and the resulting social trends will help students relate to the real needs of society and this ability will further their potential to find creative solutions to the challenges we face. Students will learn how to step-by-step approaches to innovative and entrepreneurial projects. All of the course material and the deliverables are in English and the oral and written English language skills are an important component of the course.
Type Subject
Primer - Obligatoria

Titular Professors

Previous Knowledge

Students are expected to be able to properly use the grammatical and functional aspects of the English language which correspond to the B2 independent user, established in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. Students should be able to grasp the main idea of written or oral information of professional, academic or leisure-related subjects. Students should be able to cope with most linguistic situations which they may come across when travelling in an English-speaking country. Students should be able to produce coherent, although not free of error speech when expressing ideas or opinions.


RA.01 Be prepared to face subjects in a third language, English. (TG, GS, GI, GC, GK, GT, GM).
RA.02 Knowing what an engineer is, what the technology is and the importance of its management. (TG, GS, GI, GC, GK, GT, GM).
RA.03 A good humanistic education (TG, GS, GI, GC, GK, GT, GM)


Block 1. Globalization

1. Introduction

1.1. Definition
1.2. Background
1.3. Basic types (presentation)
1.4. Extended types and how it affects us
1.5. The world is flat (Friedmann theory)
1.6. Navigating our global future (TED talk)

2. Global challenges

2.1. Rankings - What makes a country global?
2.2. Global priorities and challengesSustainable Development Goals + MWC challenges)
2.3. Global problems but start local – what can we do? Elon Musk
2.4. The Abundance theory by Peter Diamandis and exponential technologies
2.5. Nationalism v. Gloablism by Yuval Noah Harari TED talk video comprehension

3. Advantages and disadvantages

3.1. The Paradox of Choice
3.2. Cultural identity in crisis

Block 2. Soft skills

1. Soft skills
1.1. Definition of soft skills:
1.2 Survey and identification of personal strengths and weaknesses

2. Multiple Intelligences

2.1. Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences.
2.2. Multiple intelligence tests

3. Emotional Intelligence v. IQ

3.1. What is emotional intelligence? Daniel Goleman
3.2. Effective communication skills
3.3. Assertivity
3.4. Groupwork and conflict management

4. Case-studies problem-solving and critical thinking
4.1. Emotional intelligence in the workplace
4.2. Case-studies to demonstrate the increasing importance of soft skills.

Block 3. Innovation

1. Definition: Imagination, innovation, creativity and invention

2. Innovation companies and innovation teams
2.1. The ten faces of innovation

3. Adoption and diffusion of innovation
3.1. Roger’s five factors

4. Design Thinking project

Block 4. Entrepreneurship

1. Introduction
1.1. Definition
1.2. Well-known entrepreneur profiles
1.3. Reasons for becoming an entrepreneur
1.4. Measuring entrepreneurial success- social, financial and/or status

2. Entrepreneurship in Spain
2.1. Comparison countries for entrepreneurship
2.2. Entrepreneurship on Campus – Technova

3. Business Model Canvas and sales pitch
3.1. Case studies of BMC
3.2. The Sales Pitch

Additional Block

1. Mixed degree project activity for ENG and ADE students
1.1 Introduction and study of the basketball and sports market.
1.2 Choose a "challenge" and follow the Design Thinking steps to develop and offer a solution to the detected problem.
1.3 Video solution presentation.


Given the nature of the subject of Business and Engineering and the topics covered on the programme, the following methodologies are implemented in order to help the students secure the learning outcomes:

MD0 Lectures
MD1 Problem-solving tasks and exercises
MD4 Seminar
MD5 Self-paced Learning
MD6 Project-based learning
MD7 Flipped Classroom
MD10 Real events
MD11 Challenge based learning
MD12 Grow through Experiences
MD13 Case studies

All first-year students who are not in possession of an official B2 or above English language accreditation take the Oxford Placement test to find out their level. Students whose results correspond to B1 or inferior are offered a 1.5 hour language support class in order to help them to follow the course, participate in class activities and complete the coursework.


This subject is assessed exclusively on coursework. Deliverables may be individual or involve group collaboration. Students are required to submit different types of task, such as essays, reports, presentations, projects, etcc.. All coursework must be submitted in English and linguistic expression is an integral component of the marking in all activities.

Evaluation Criteria

1. To improve the student´s general level of English, based on grammatical knowledge. [A, C, E, J]
2. Increased knowledge of terminology used in engineering [A, D]
3. Correct use of linguistic structures for future professional needs i.e. correspondence, presentations, meetings etc. [A, D, E, I]
4. Effective communication, both written and oral. [I, J]

Basic Bibliography

Course contents posted on the e-study platform

Additional Material

“The World is Flat: Further Updated and Expanded” (Release 3.0) (2nd revised and expanded ed.). Farrar, Straus and Giroux. 2007. ISBN 0-374-29278-7.
“The Paradox of Choice - Why More Is Less,” Barry Schwartz, 2004, ISBN 0-06-000568-8.
“Intercultural Communication: A Reader”, Larry A. Samovar San Diego State University, Emeritus Richard E. Porter California State University, Long Beach, Emeritus Edwin R. Mcdaniel San Diego State University, 2010, ISBN-13: 978-0-495-89831-3.

“Out of Our Minds: Learning to be Creative”, Ken Robinson, 2011, ISBN 0857086545

“A Whole New Mind: Why Right-Brainers Will Rule the Future,” Daniel H. Pink, ISBN 978-1-57322-308-9

“The Innovator's Dilemma: When New Technologies Cause Great Firms to Fail,” (Management of Innovation and Change), Clayton M. Christensen, 2016

The Innovator's Solution: Creating and Sustaining Successful Growth, Clayton M. Christensen and Michael E. Raynor, 2013

“The Ten Faces of Innovation: Strategies for Heightening Creativity,” Tom Kelly, ISBN-10: 184668031X