Double Degree in International Computer Engineering and Management of Business and Technology

Automatics and Domotics

This subject is divided in two different parts that complement themselves. The first part (Automatics) focuses in the study of specialized applications for industry and other kind of infrastructures (airports, garages, etc.). The subject´s explanation approaches on: - Learning the principal kinds of sensors and actuators. - Programming the control systems, the Industrial Automaton (API´s or PLC´s). - Programming monitoring and control systems. (SCADA´s) - The project´s stages related with the design and execution of an automated application. The second part (Domotics) focuses in acquiring enough knowledge about the functioning and the implementation of domotic control system with centralized and distributed systems. These kinds of systems are centered in residential applications and small places as stores, markets, office buildings, etc. Besides, students will learn to interact from their PC with the principal European domotic system, the KNX. By this reason, it is necessary to have basic programming knowledge. In both parts students work with applications that simulate real cases.
Type Subject

Titular Professors

Previous Knowledge

Minimum Programming knowledge.


Students of this course will acquire the following knowledge:
- recognize the different elements that made up an automated application (Sensors, actuators, API´s, SCADA´s…).
- Know the particularity of the automated applications in and industrial environment.
- Know the stages of a design project and execution of an automated application.
- Understand and design a simple domotic installation.
- Learn to program a centralized and a distributed domotic system.
- Implement a simple SCADA with API´s KNX.

The evaluated acquired competences that are:
- G-1: Analysis and synthesis capacity.
- G-2: Basic general knowledge about the studied area.
- G-14: Team work.
- G-22: Capacity to apply knowledge into practice.


The subject (6 credits) is divided in two parts:
- Automatics (3 credits)
- Domotics (3 credits)

Part 1: Automatics

1.1 Introduction
1.2 Industrial Automaton (API´s)
1.3 Monitoring and control systems (SCADA´s)
1.4 OPC Communications
1.5 Pneumatic and hydraulic systems
1.6 Industrial sensors
2. Industrial Automatons
2.1 API´s Siemens S7-300
2.2 Programming language
2.3 Programming planning: GRAFCET y GEMMA guide
2.4 Programming methodology
2.5 Systematic application STEP-7
2.6 Contacts language (KOP)
2.7 Language exercises KOP
2.8 Assembly language (AWL)
2.9 AWL language exercises
2.10 Practice: 1FMS-200 programming station
3.1 SCADA structure
3.2 Manufacturing Execution System (MES) y OEE
3.3 Scada web: Ignition
3.4 SCADA Siemens: WinCC
3.5 WinCC exercises
3.6 Practice: SCADA Station 1 with MES functionality

Part 2: Domotics

1.1 Introduction to domotics
1.2 Electric installations
1.3 Communications installations
1.4 Other installations
1.5 Examples
2.1 Centralized control systems
2.2 Centralized systems installations
2.3 Example of a centralized system: ZELIO
2.4 Exercises with ZELIO
3.1 Distributed control systems
3.2 Distributed systems installations
3.3 Example of a distributed system: KNX
3.4 Exercises with KNX
3.5 Example of decentralized system: LonWorks
4.1 Theory
4.2 Examples
4.3 Practice


The methodology is the same for both parts, automatic and domotic, and consists in lectures with the student´s active participation. The lectures are taught at the laboratory (Automatic Laboratory), where the professor combines theoretical explanations with practical demonstrations. By the other hand, there are also other practices that shall be developed outside class hours.

All classes have a continuous evaluation process in which the student has a test that indicates his following-level of the subject. This implies that the student must study or solve some problems at home and that are commented in class.
Practices have to be accomplished out of class time, but students have a schedule where they will receive a personalized attention by the professor to solve doubts about the theory, problems or practices.


This subject has two parts: automatic and domotic. It is necessary to pass both parts with a grade higher than 5. Once both parts are passed, the subject´s final grade is calculated in the following way:

Final_Grade = Automatic_Grade *0,5 + Domotic_Grade * 0,5

Evaluation of the Automatic part:
The Automatic grade (Automatic_Grade) is calculated as follows:
Automatic_Grade = Practice_Grade * 0,6 + CE_Grade * 0,4
CE_Grade is the continuous evaluation grade obtained along the course from the exercises, works and tests done during classes.
Practice evaluation: There are 2 practices in this course. The first practice is a 40% of the grade. The second practice represents the other 60% of the grade. To pass each practice is necessary that it works correctly and that the report that contains its development and the obtained results are acceptable.
Evaluation of the Domotic part:
The Domotic grade (Domotic_Grade) is calculated as follows:
Domotic_Grade = Practice_Grade * 0,6 + CE_Grade *0,4
CE_Grade is the continuous evaluation grade obtained along the course from the exercises, works and tests done during classes.
Practice evaluation: To pass this practice is necessary that it works correctly and that the report that contains its development and the obtained results are acceptable. The first part is done with Zelio and is a 20% of the grade. The other 80% will be evaluated with the KNX part.

Evaluation Criteria

- G-1: Analysis and synthesis capacity:
Written exam.
Works/individual or group reports

- G-3: General basic knowledge about the studied area.
Written exam.
Works/individual or group reports

- G-14: Team work
Works/ group reports

- G-22: Capacity to apply knowledge into practice:
Works/individual or group reports

Basic Bibliography

[1] KNX Basic course Training Documentation, KNX Association, Brussels, 2010.
[2] KNX Specifications, KNX Association, Brussels, 2011.
[3] Autómatas Programables, entorno y aplicaciones, Enrique Mandado, Jorge Marcos, Celso Fernández, José I. Armesto, Serafín Pérez, Editorial Paraninfo, 2005.
[4] Automatización. Problemas resueltos con autómatas programables, J. Pedro Romera, J. Antonio Lorite, Sebastián Montoro, Editorial Paraninfo, 2003.

Additional Material