The ECAM Lasalle Campus in Lyon has hosted the meeting of the board of the Europe and Francophone Africa Region of the International Association of La Salle Universities (IALU), led by the General Director of La Salle Barcelona – Universitat Ramon Llull, Josep M. Santos. The meeting was held on February 7 and 8 and was attended by representatives from the La Salle universities of Spain, France, and several African countries.
The board has reviewed the information from the African centers and has also analyzed the common projects in terms of internationalization, mission, and research, among which the preparations for the next Assembly of the Lasallian Region of Europe and the Mediterranean stand out. It should be noted that, as a prior part of the meeting, participants were able to visit the campus of La Salle St. Etienne, which has made a formal request to join the IALU.
The IALU, created in 1998, currently includes more than 60 institutions spread throughout the world and promotes network collaboration of all its members to vindicate the validity of Christian values and the charisma of Saint John Baptist de La Salle in the university world. It is a benchmark in social innovation, in quality accessible education and in the training of highly qualified and committed agents of transformation. The IALU is subdivided into several regions, including Europe and Francophone Africa, of which Josep M. Santos, General Director of La Salle Barcelona – Ramon Llull University, was re-elected director during the XIII IALU Meeting held on campus.