The Project management subject introduces students to the basic concepts of Project planning and Project management. The main goal of the subject is to complement the technical Engineering studies with some concepts of management necessary for developing ones competences in the industry. Some tools of basic management concepts are presented such as the economical analysis of the project, budgeting, human resources, etc…
Type Subject
Primer - Obligatoria

The main goal of the subject is:

1) Introduce students to the basic concepts of Project management, mainly those related to electronics, computer science and telecommunications.
2) Study the concept of project planning, budgeting, and Project control.
3) Introduce and present some human abilities such as team growth, motivation and management in a competitive environment.


1.- Organization and company.
1.1- Introduction and objectives.
1.2- Enterprise Strategy.
1.3- The process of strategic planning.
1.4- Tools for strategic analysis.
1.5- Strategic projects presentation.

2. Projects Management.
2.1- Introduction and objectives.
2.2- The Management of ones project in a competitive environment.
2.3- The selling of the project.
2.4- Definition of the project.
2.5- Planning of the project.
2.6- Risks management and contingency plan.
2.7- Execution and pursuit of projects.
2.8- Closing of the project.

3. Economic and Financial management.
3.1- Introduction.
3.2- Structure of a company´s Capital.
3.3- Projects investment valuation techniques.
3.4- Determining of a project´s budget.
3.5- Budget pursuit and control techniques.

4. Directive abilities.

1.- Company strategy.
2.- Microsoft Project.
3.- Financial Economic Management.


The methodology of the subject is based on the lessons given by the professor. The course is formed by a collection of transparencies on the study contents, so the students can focus their attention on the teacher´s explanations. Given the characteristics of the subject, discussions in groups on the themes considered of interest are promoted, helping to clarify concepts and to share points of view from the different members of the group. During the course a set of assignments to develop in group with the objective of completing the contents presented/displayed in the agenda. These assignments make the students work in groups and reach the resolution of a criminal problem using the necessary tools for projects management. During the course the tool Microsoft Project also appears in the development of assignments of projects planning, resources management and budget evaluation. On the other hand, virtual resources like the e-campus platform are used to establish virtual collaborative surroundings on the subjects considered throughout the course.


The evaluation of this subject will be done from:

A. Exams.
C. Test exams.
D. Work at home.
F. Work in group.
G. Computer works.
K. Lab informs.
L. Lab contribution.

The subject mark will have a theoretical part (70%) and a practical part (30%). The theoretical part will be marked through the problems exam, homework and participation in class and in the discussion meetings. The practical part will be marked through the practical problems exam, the computer assignments, and laboratory reports and participation in practices discussion forums.

Evaluation Criteria

Objective 1:
- Students must show a general knowledge of the theoretical contents of projects management. [A,C,D]
Objective 2:
- Students must show abilities in the management of projects and the relation with the strategic vision of the firm. [A,C,D,F]
Objective 3:
- Students must show abilities with the use of the computer and especially the with software Microsoft Project.[G,K,L]
- Students must work in group and have the ability to apply the theoretical knowledge to case studies [F].

Basic Bibliography

- Mc. Connell, S. Desarrollo y Gestión de Proyectos Informáticos.
- Jaime Pereña Brand. Dirección y Gestión de Proyectos.
- Rafael Andreu, Joan Ricart, Josep Valor. Planificación estratégica de tecnologías y sistemas de información en la empresa. IESE.
- Peter Drucker. Principios de Reingeniería.
- Yourdon. Decline & Fall of the american programmer.
- Tom deMarco, Timoty Lister. Peopleware.
- Microsoft. Manual de Microsoft Project.
- Internet. Search `Project Management´