15 December 2021

A project by students of Architecture, winner of the Christmas contest to illuminate the shops of Barcelona

The proposal is the work of students Carmina Matachana, Belinda Rodriguez, Camila Ostalaza and Nicolás Dunford

The students of the School of Architecture of La Salle-URL (ETSALS) have been the winners of the contest 'Christmas lights illuminate commerce', an initiative jointly organized by the Barcelona Design Center and the Direcció de Comerç, Restauració i Consum del Ajuntament de Barcelona to innovate in the local commerce of the Ciutat Vella neighborhood. The winning project has been the work of the students Carmina Matachana, Belinda Rodriguez, Camila Ostalaza and Nicolás Dunford, who have decorated and illuminated the Cereria Subirà.

The proposal of the four ETSALS students relates the essence of the establishment with the Christmas tradition, seeking a slightly intrusive decoration to respect the style of the store. In the words of its authors, the project, entitled 'Under the light of a candle', "captures the life cycle of a candle passing through all its states, dividing the window display into three parts". The teachers of the School Jaume Pla, Laia Vives and Adrià S. Llorens have accompanied the students in the process of developing the project and also in collecting the award.

The themes on which this year's contest revolves are innovation and creativity, and values ​​such as tenderness, welcome, respect, sustainability, responsible consumption, equality and diversity are promoted. In addition to the La Salle-URL School of Architecture, eight Catalan universities and schools of design and architecture have also participated in the initiative. The beginning of the project took place at the end of September, the prizes were recently handed out and the window displays will remain decorated with the students' proposals until January 7 and 8.