This course emphasizes the strategic, tactical, and operational planning aspects of operations management, by reviewing the concepts and analytical methods that are useful in understanding the management of a firm's operations. It provides an overview of Operations Management, and focuses on the core processes of a firm, with a special interest in where value is added in the organizational processes. Our aim is to familiarize students with the problems and issues confronting operations managers, and provide them with language, concepts, insights and tools to deal with these issues in order to gain competitive advantage through operations.
Type Subject
Tercer - Obligatoria
Previous Knowledge

This course seeks to assist you in:

To learn basic concepts of operations, inventory and distribution management, based on theories and applying them to practical examples.

To identify how improved efficiency in operations is a key driver to achieving better financial results and competitive advantage.


Sessions 1-3 Objective: Introduction to Operations Management.

Sessions 4-5 Objective: Operations Management for Competitive Advantage.

Sessions 6 & 7 Objective: Group presentations to consolidate basic principles of OM and to
develop active participation by students.

Sessions 8 -10 Objective: To give an overview of the Planning And Forecasting processes.

Session 11-13 Objective: To give an overview of the Inventory Management and understand
importance of the inventory in Operations Management.

Session 14 Objective: Exercises, recap and preparation for mid-term exam.

Session 15 Mid-term exam feedback.

Session 16-17 Objective: To give an overview of Location.

Sessions 18 Objective: To give an overview of the use of Information Systems to facilitate the
manufacturing process and to enhance service operations MRP, ERP, BI, B2C, B2B, EDI, …

Session 19 Objective: Operations basics: Fast fashion.

Session 20 Objective: To give an overview of Process and Sustainability, Capacity,
Constraint Management, Layout and Flow Design of Products and Services.

Sessions 21 & 22 Objective: Risk Management and Operations Improvements.

Session 23 Objective: Case study to illustrate concepts.

Sessions 24 Objective: Discussion of how People, Jobs and Organisations combine
within Operations Management.

Sessions 25-26 Exercises, recap of the course and preparation for final exam.


The learning experience is based on a range of teaching methods that seek to foster your understanding of the operations management function.

The classes will concentrate on the principle operations management concepts, readings and case studies that you will be required to do outside class time as well as in-class discussions. We will also draw on a vast array of multimedia sources such as videos, podcasts and blogs to supplement written material.


The Course grade will be based on the following point breakdown:

10% Attendance

20% Participation

40% Mid-term exam

30% Final exam

Evaluation Criteria
Basic Bibliography

In addition to the cases we will be discussing in class, you will be provided with a range of additional materials through the University intranet.

Additional Material

You may also be requested to search for particular readings in the library databases.