This course seeks to help you in:
Reviewing basic mathematical concepts.
Practicing operations and estimations of quantities.
Understanding how mathematics plays an important role in Business.
The course is structured in:
Introduction- Numbers and Expressions. Divisibility/ Percentages/ Polynomials- Equations. Transposition of Formulae/ Coordinates, slope, straight line equations/ Straight lines, systems of equations/ Parabolas. Quadratic equation/ Factorisation and Polynomials. Synthetic division/ Logarithms and Exponentials/ Differentiation - The derivative of a function/ Rules of differentiation/ The derivative of the exponential and natural logarithm functions/ Analysis of functions, maximum, minimum/ Optimization of economic functions.
There will be three weekly lectures. This will be complemented by practice problems and homework.
Class participation, coursework 20%
Mid-term examination 40%
Final examination 40%
The reference textbook for the course is Mathematics for Economics and Business, by Ian Jacques. Prentice Hall.
We will also use the College Algebra MOOC from Udacity as supporting material.