18 September 2017

Launch of the new edition of the “Bojos per les noves tecnologies” (Mad about technologies) program

The registration period for the “Bojos per les noves tecnologies” program run by La Salle-URL for the “Bojos per la Ciència” (Mad about Science) is now open. “Bojos per la Ciència” is an initiative set up by the Fundación Catalunya-La Pedrera, in order to boost scientific talent among youngsters.

The aim of this course "Bojos per la Ciència" is to foment the spirit of technology and innovation among pupils in their final years of secondary school by giving them the opportunity to work with some of the most advanced technologies in the ICT sector.

Five different subject blocks will be taught on the course, although all are related to the new technologies in some way. The aim of the course is to boost the pupils’ innovative and technological drive and vocation, and to bring out their entrepreneurial spirit. The program gives them first-hand experience of the work of an engineer in sectors such as Web Development and Programming, Mobile Application Development, Robotics to help people, Internet Technologies and Cybersecurity and Videogames; areas which are expected to expand and develop greatly in the new few years and which are currently in need of professionals all over Europe.

One of the main objectives of these courses to is to boost the innovative and technological drive and vocation of the young students to help cover the present demand for ICT engineers, while also encouraging them to discover their entrepreneurial spirit.

As part of the Bojos per la Ciència full program, there are other courses to research the theory and scientific techniques of different fields more deeply. Some of these areas include biomedicine, economics, physics, maths, natural science and chemistry. Furthermore, students will have the chance to work with researchers and find out what it is like to carry out research work at an international research and development centre. It is also a chance for them to pave their way into the professional and scientific world.

Students interested have until October 22nd to register. Once all the applications have been received, the selection process will begin and successful candidates will be announced in December.  The sessions will be held on Saturdays and the candidates chosen can only take part in this program once. The course will run from January to November 2018.