Sílvia Coll-Vinent Puig

C. Quatre Camins 30, 08022, Barcelona
Department of Philosophy and Humanities
Research Group on Smart Society

PhD from the University of Oxford (convalidated 1997: Filosofía y Letras ´´ Fil. Cat.) and BA in Catalan Philology from Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Since 2000 she teaches contemporary European Literature at the Faculty of Philosophy at Ramon Llull University. A first research focus is the study of the reception and translation of English literature, particularly from the perspective of the history of culture, with particular attention to Victorian and Edwardian authors (Charles Dickens, G. K. Chesterton). A second research focus has been the study of intellectuals and humanists and their cultural activity during the inter-war period. Along this line, she has paid particular attention to the key humanistic figure in the interwar years, Joan Estelrich (journalist, translator, editor, cultural agent), after investigating from his personal archive held at the Biblioteca de Catalunya. Her last publication is an edition of Joan Estelrich and Josep Pla. Periodisme i llibertat: cartes 1920-1950 (Destino, 2022). Most contributions are chronologically settled within the inter-war period. Member of Filocultura, SmartSociety Research Group, La Salle - Universitat Ramon Llull.