Marcos Antonio Hervas Garcia
Marcos Hervás García received his MSc in Telecommunications Engineering from Universitat Ramon Llull (URL) at La Salle and his BSc degree in Telecommunications Engineering from Universidad de Alicante (UA), Spain, in 2008 and 2010 respectively. His research interests are High Frequency (HF) Ionospheric Communications, Multi-Carrier and Spread Spectrum Modulations and Field Programable Gate Array (FPGA) and Embedded Systems for Software Defined Radio (SDR) applications.
He is teaching Software Radio at degree in Telecommunications and FPGA semminars at Master in Telecommunications (MET).
ABSTRACT: Up to now most of the sensors installed by the Spanish scientific community in Antarctica have been placed clo...
Up to now most of the sensors installed by the Spanish scientific community in Antarctica have been placed close to the stations, because...