Juan José Curto Subirats
I was born in Tortosa, Tarragona, on August 18, 1957. My ID is 40912393Q. In 1980 I graduated in Physics from the University of Barcelona and in 1992 I got my PhD in Physics, from the same university. I have been working at the Ebro Observatory since 1981. I have been a member of the CSIC since 1988. Since 1997, I am a full professor at the Ramón Llull University (URL). I am currently a member of the Doctorate Committee of the URL and I coordinate a doctorate program. I have been a CSIC researcher since 2002 and I have been the director of the center for four years (2009-2013). My main topic is Sun-Earth relationships, especially geomagnetism. The lines of research of my interest focus on the analysis, monitoring and modeling of solar activity, rapid variations in the Earth´s magnetic field and Space Weather. Climate change of natural origin is also of my interest. As a researcher I have contributed to seven international projects aimed at supervising and modeling the Earth´s magnetic field and the ionosphere, (European COST Actions 238-PRIME, 271-EACOS, and 274 and ES0803 and ES1005-TOSCA, and in the HOME / 2010 / CIPS / AG / 026 and EPOS IP funded by the European Commission). I have contributed in thirty-one projects funded by Spanish research organizations.