Jordi Fernandez Royo

Sant Miquel Febres
C. Sant Joan de La Salle 42, 08022, Barcelona
Department of Engineering

Jordi Fernández Royo is an Associate Professor of entrepreneurship, e-business, information systems in La Salle - Ramon Llull University of Barcelona (URL). He has earned a Postgraduate in Digital Marketing in La Salle in 2013. He has studied a Ph.D. in Corporate Strategy and Marketing at IQS School of Management in 2004, a BBA and an MBA specialized in Marketing in ESADE Business School in 1988 and a BBA in UPC in 1995.
He has over 20 years of teaching experience mainly in marketing and more than 25 years of management experience basically in the same area from different perspectives: marketing departments, marketing consultancy, advertising, branding and business communications, and market research. He has been working in different kinds of organizations and industries: in SMEs and global companies, B2B and B2C, services and goods.
His research interests are the consequences of ICT in marketing management, business modeling and strategy.