Joan Antoni Catala Amigo
Joan A. Català is the General Manager of Leading-On, company founded by him and specialized in Change Management and People Management.
He was the Human Resources Chief Officer and member of the Executive Committee in T-Systems Spain & Portugal; Corporate Strategy Director, also for T-Systems; e-business & business development Director for debis IT Services; Communications & New Technologies Director in Centre Informàtic de la Generalitat de Catalunya.
Ha has pioneered the use of astronomy and space in the world of organizations, as inspirational elements and as a way to ease business discussions and generate emotions. He created the innovative methodology ´´A space to grow´´.
He holds a PDG (IESE), and he is ´´Leading Execution´´ (Wharton School , University of Pennsylvania). He also holds a Master Degree in Astronomy and Astrophysics (Universidad Internacional de Valencia), and a BSc in Quantum Chemistry (Universitat de Barcelona).
Along with his activity as a consultant, he works as a professional science communicator, collaborating with media and writing books. He is also an inspirational speaker.
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