Isidro Navarro Delgado
Architect by the ETSAB-UPC, Barcelona Tech. Univ. 1999. Teach Architectural Representation and Visual Communication in the ETSAB-UPC. Doctoral student in application of new technologies in representation of architecture projects for disable people. He has organized several courses and teaching experiences in the field of augmented reality and research on teaching methodologies with user experience with disabilities. He is Co-author of some articles in this field: Redondo, E., Navarro, I., Sánchez Riera, A., & Fonseca, D. (2011). Visual Interfaces and User Experience. Augmented reality for architectural education. And with publications in different conferences as CISTI, CISCI, IMSCI, DICTAP. He has served on international projects as SiMCUD (Methodological System Created with Disabled Users, 1st Award in the disabilities research 2008 by Mutual Association Foundation). Assistant Professor in the Dept. EGA II, ETAB-UPC and Assistant Professor in the Architectural dept. and Main Educational Tutor of Architecture Degree La Salle. Director of Master in Sustainable Architecture and Efficiency Energy and Coordinator in Postgraduate Course in Environment and Architecture and Sustainable Urbanism in BES La Salle and Coordinator of the Master of Integral Management of Building.