The director of the Institut Català del Sòl, Mercè Conesa, and the general director of La Salle Campus Barcelona, Josep M. Santos, have signed a business and university collaboration agreement to work together within the framework of the Corporate Board Council Program (CBC), promoted by La Salle Campus Barcelona, and which aims to create a meeting ecosystem for the business and university worlds to generate activities and projects of mutual interest, guaranteeing the best preparation of students for their future incorporation into the world of work. , and the support of the creative and open vision of the students to give answers to the challenges that the business world has posed.
The CBC program is governed by a Business Council that was established on September 15 at a ceremony held on the La Salle-URL campus. Incasòl forms part of this Council and is willing to participate in the different Working Groups that are organized according to the different branches of knowledge of La Salle-URL, a university of great international prestige with seven areas of knowledge: Engineering, Architecture , Management, Animation, Digital Arts, Philosophy and Health Engineering.