1. Descriptive data of the subject. 1.1 Code: GAE03 1.2 Type of subject: Basic formation. 1.3 Delivery: Semiannual. 1.4 Credits ECTS: 6 1.5 Professor: David Simón Grábalos. 1.6 Language: Catalonian, Spanish, English.
Type Subject
Tercer - Obligatoria
Previous Knowledge

Descriptive Geometry and Drawing Techniques.


3. Develop skills.
General Skills:
Instrumental Skills:
IS1. Capacity of analysis and synthesis.
IS3. Basic knowledge of the study area.
IS11. Basic knowledge of the formation area.

Specific Skills:
Group A. Skills
A6 Graphic ideation.
A7 Spatial representation.

Group B. knowledge.
B4 Forms analysis.
B5 Representation systems.
B6 Graphic restitution.
B7 Geometry.

4. Learning Goals of the subject.

Unify the drawing techniques and descriptive geometry in the same subject.
Develop the observation and comprehension by the free hand process.
That the student feels the necessity and importance of the drawing as a essential tool for the profession.


5. Thematic blocks of the subject.
5.1 Sunny Charts
5.2 Warped surfaces.
5.2.1 Hyperbolic paraboloid.
5.2.2 Hyperbolic hyperboloid.
5.2.3 Straight helix.
5.3 Drawing Techniques.
5.4 Proportion theory in architecture.
5.5 Representative architecture drawings study.
5.6 Guided visits.
5.7 Final Workshop.


6. Methodological teaching approach to achieve the objectives.

The subject is divided to theoretical classes, practice, guided visits and final workshop. Most of the theoretical classes are grouped at the beginning of the subject to establish a base to practice. In these ones the student will acquire the basic skills to be able to develop future practices.
In the second stage will be alternated theoretical and practice classes with guided visits.
The course ends with a final workshop, in these, the students, in reduced groups, will develop a final work, synthetizing and demonstrating the knowledge acquired on the guided visits and classes exercises.


7. Evaluation of compliance level with the objectives.
During the academic course, the evaluation will be based on practice exercises, realized both in class and at home.
The students who have not acquired the skills will have to pass an extraordinary exam.

Evaluation Criteria
Basic Bibliography

8. Bibliography.
ALSINA, C.; TRILLAS, E. Curso para estudiantes de Arquitectura. Barcelona: GG, 1984. PUIG, P. Curso de Geometría métrica. 2 vols. Madrid: Biblioteca Matemàtica, 1956.
PIEDAD GUIJARRO, PERE CRUELES. Matemàtiques per a l´arquitectura. Problemes resolts. Edicions UPC, 2002.
LE CORBUSIER, El modulor
ABRAMS, MICHAEL C. The art of city sketching: a field manual, Routledge, 2014.
BINGHAM, NEIL. 100 años de dibujos de arquitectura, Laurence King, London, 2013.
BIRCH, HELEN. Dibujar.
CAMPANARIO, GABRIEL. The Art of Urban Sketching: Drawing On Location Around The World, 2012.
CHING, FRANCIS. Design Drawing, New York, John Wiley & sons, 1997.
CIRICI, ALEXANDRE. Barcelona Pam a Pam. Comanegra, Barcelona, 2012.
HOCHSTIM, JAN. The Paintings and sketches of Louis Kahn. New York, Rizzoli, 1991.
ROBBINS, EDWARD. Why architects draw. Cambridge MA, MIT Press, 1994.
ROCA, ESTANISLAU. Walking the city. Barcelona, UB. Forthcoming Spring 2015. UB
SCHANK SMITH, KENDRA. Architects' Drawings, Routledge, 2005.

Additional Material
List of Professors
Sebastian Francis Harris