This course consists of a series of seminars which aim is to train students for the realization of technological cases that make up the master, as well as covering some areas of knowledge that are not covered by the cases. The seminars deal with concepts of low-level programming (microprocessors and FPGA), application programming for mobile devices, techniques and signal processing fundamentals of microelectronics.
Type Subject
Primer - Obligatoria

Titular Professors

Previous Knowledge

Programming: programming skills in C and Java. To have a clear understanding of the object oriented programming paradigm.


Learning outcomes for students who attend this subject, based on the curriculum of their Master's degree are:

1. Knowledge and application of advanced techniques of signal processing
2. Develop radiocommunication systems, radar, navigation and positioning; as well as network design and multimedia systems
3. Knowledge of current technological trends with application to telecommunications

The aim is to provide a basis for the proper development of the cases and treat those areas of expertise of the degree that can not be covered by the cases.


o Simulation of communication systems
o FPGA programming
o Image processing
o Microelectronics
o Android programming


The training activities used in the course are:

- Assimilation of the concepts associated
- Personal work
- Evaluation activities
- Laboratory work

Each session is divided into two parts: during the first part the teacher teaches the basic skills so that students can investigate and perform the task. The rest of the session is dedicated to solving the exercises. The teacher assists students who need to clarify any doubts that may arise.


Assessment activities used in the course, depending on the seminar are:

- Work in group
- Class participation
- Presentations

Each teacher presents an exercise to be performed. It is the same teacher who evaluates the performance based on criteria tailored to the task at hand.

Evaluation Criteria

The evaluation is carried out based on deliverables, and presentations codes required by each of the seminars that make up the subject. The weighting between the mark of the group and individual mark is variable depending on the type of task.