Double Degree in Electronic Systems Engineering in Communications and Management of ICTS La Salle Campus Barcelona

Double Degree in Electronic Systems Engineering in Communications + in Engineering in the Management of ICTs

La Salle Campus Barcelona offers 5 double degrees in the ICT Engineering field. With the double degrees, you can finish the university studies in 5 academic years with two official degree qualifications.

Digital Systems and Microprocessors

In this subject you will learn the different techniques and methodologies for the design of digital systems. First, you will learn the theory of sequential systems. With these systems you will be able to design synchronous digital systems for specific processes using small to medium scale of integration integrated circuits (SSI and MSI). Then, you will learn how to design systems with microprocessors and microcontrollers. Concretely, you will study the architecture of an 8-bits microcontroller and how to program it in assembly language. Next, you will compare this architecture with another one of 16-bits. Finally, you will learn how to design cooperative software in C.
Type Subject
Tercer - Obligatoria

Titular Professors

Previous Knowledge

Basic concepts on Boolean algebra and combinational systems.


1. Review the basic knowledge of the design of combinational and sequential systems.
2. Gain knowledge about the design of digital systems using small/medium scale of integration elements, microprocessors and microcontrollers.
3. Study different digital systems design methodologies.
4. Design and implement digital systems in the laboratory in order to deeply analyze how they work.
5. Gain abilities for error detection and debugging in complex systems with the implementations made at the laboratory.


Lesson 1. Sequential systems for specific processes
Lesson 2. Architecture of an 8-bits microcontroller
Lesson 3. Programming the microcontroller in assembly language
Lesson 4. Design and cooperative programming in C


The methodology used in the subject of Digital Systems and Microprocessors combines master classes with flipped classroom sessions. The contents acquired in class are reinforced with two practical assignments, that must be submitted during the school year and constitute the basis of the continuous assessment mark.

In this subject, the estudy is the platform that the teachers use to communicate with the students. Through this platform, the teachers of the subject publish different materials that the students need (guides, exercises, exams, support contents, etc.)

Total or partial recordings of the sessions of the subject done by students are strictly prohibited without the explicit consent of the teacher. Doing so without the explicit consent, will imply the automatic renounce of the student’s continuous assessment grades (〖NAC〗_1= 〖NAC〗_2 =0).


The subject is organized in two semesters, and each of them will be marked individually considering the exam marks and the continuous assessment marks.

Referring to the exams marks
The first semester has a final exam (E1S) on February that can be retaken in the extraordinary call of July. In both calls, it is mandatory to pass, at least, one of the checkpoints of the continuous assessment of the first semester (〖CP〗_(1-1) and/or 〖 CP〗_(1-2)) before the day of the exam. Otherwise, the grade for E1S will be NP.
The second semester has a final exam (E2S) on June that can also be retaken in the extraordinary call of July. In both calls, it is mandatory to pass, at least, one of the checkpoints of the continuous assessment of the second semester (〖CP〗_(2-1) and/or 〖 CP〗_(2-2)) before the day of the exam. Otherwise, the grade for E2S will be NP.

Referring to the continuous assessment mark
The continuous assessment aims to track the progress and planning capacity and the continuous work of each student. Continuous assessment mark will be determined considering the practical assignments of the subject. In each of the two practical assignments of the subject, two checkpoints (CP) will be evaluated. These checkpoints are aimed to track the evolution of the practical assignments during the course.

The continuous assessment marks will be calculated as:

〖NAC〗_1=(0.4· 〖CP〗_(1-1)+〖0.6·CP〗_(1-2)) sii 〖CP〗_(1-1),〖CP〗_(1-2)≥5 ;NP otherwise.
〖NAC〗_2=(0.4· 〖CP〗_(2-1)+0.6· 〖CP〗_(2-2) ) sii 〖CP〗_(2-1),〖CP〗_(2-2)≥5 ; NP otherwise.

This means that in order to obtain a continuous assessment mark 〖NAC〗_i the student must pass all the 〖CP〗_(i-j). The maximum mark that the students can obtain if they deliver a checkpoint after the regular deadline is a 5.

The ultimate date to deliver any checkpoint will be July 14th of 2021.

Referring to the final marks
The final mark of the semester is calculated as the maximum between the mark of the exam and the mark of exam weighted with the continuous assessment mark of the semester, only if the exam mark is greater than 3,5 and the continuous assessment mark is different than NP.
if E_i S≥3,5 i NAC_i≠NP →FM_i=[max ⁡( E_i S ; 0.6·E_i S+0.4·NAC_1)] ,
if E_i S<3,5 &#8594;FM_i=[ E_i S ].
In order to pass the subject it is necessary that &#12310;FM&#12311;_1and &#12310;FM&#12311;_2 are equal or greater than 5, and that all the practical assignments are properly delivered and the interviews passed. In this case, the final mark of the subject is calculated as the arithmetic mean of the final marks of the two semesters.

Other considerations
Students that (i) submitted and passed the practical assignments of the 2019-2020 course, (ii) obtained a mark equal or greater than 3 points in the first semester exam on the July extraordinary call of the 2019-2020 course and (iii) obtained a mark equal or greater than 3 points in the second semester exam of the July extraordinary call of the 2019-2020 course; will be able to require the validation of the practical assignments (NAC_i=5) by sending an email to before October 11th of 2020 using their official school account.
All the practical assignments need to meet the requirements presented in the eStudy and follow the practical assignments guideline published in the estudy.
The continuous assessment marks of each semester will be considered for both the ordinary and the extraordinary calls.
Those students eligible of validating the practical assignments of the course 2019-2020 that want to improve their continuous assessment mark will be able to do so by solving theoretically (as a regular exercise) the practical assignments of the 2020-2021 course. These exercises will be due to the same day as the practical assignments of the year 2020-2021.
The students enrolled in the extraordinary call of February, will be evaluated with the contents of the past academic year. The exam of the extraordinary call of February will take place the same day and same hour as the ordinary call for the exam of the first semester. In this case, the students will need to complete the pending practical assignments of the previous year before doing the exam of the extraordinary call of February. The pending practical assignments need to be completed with the same partner than in the previous course if both members are enrolled in the extraordinary call of February. Otherwise, the student will need to solve the practical assignments individually. Once the students submit and pass the practical assignments, these will be considered as passed on the previous academic year.
Cheating on any valuable activity (even some parts of) will be penalized as established in the academic regulations of the University. Both the source and the cheating students will be penalized.

Evaluation Criteria
Basic Bibliography

[1] August Climent i Judit Lacomba, Teoria i exercicis de Sistemes Seqüencials de Procés Específic, La Salle, 2005.
[2] F. Escudero, Disseny de sistemes de control cooperatius. Una visió pragmàtica, La Salle, 2009.
[3] August Climent i Antoni Garrell, Introducció al Disseny Digital, La Salle, 1999.

Additional Material