Degree in Technical Architecture and Building Engineering

The Degree in Technical Architecture and Building is temporarily paused for new students

Construction II

1. Subject´s facts 1.1.Code: AR012 1.2. Kind of subject: Obligatory 1.3. Duration: half-yearly 1.4. ECTS Credits: 9 1.5. Responsible professor: Nuria Martí 1.6. Language: catalan, spanish, english
Type Subject
Tercer - Obligatoria

Titular Professors

Previous Knowledge

Construction I


3. Competences that will be developed with this subject:

3.1 General competences:

3.1.1 Instrumental competences: IS1 Analysis and synthesis capacities.

3.1.2. Interpersonal competences: IT2 Team work
IT9 Sensibility for the environment

3.1.3 Systematical competences: CS1 Capacity to apply knowledge into practice.

3.2 Specific competences:

3.2.1 Architecture A. Abilities
In 23 Conservation of structural work
In 24 Conservation of the finish work
In 25 Project of structural work
In 26 Project of finish work
In 30 Management of building rules Knowledge:

B14 Ecology and sustainability
B25 Construction materials
B26 Conventional building systems
B 27 Industrialized building systems Technical unit

- ability to conceive, design, integrate and execute: building structures, interior division systems, carpentry, cover and other structural work; foundation solutions.
- adequate knowledge of: conventional building systems, physic and chemical characteristics, production procedures, use of construction materials, industrialized constructive systems.

4. Subject´s learning objectives:

4.1. Architecture
1. Aptitude to create projects that satisfy at the same time, the technical and esthetic exigencies.
5. Capacity to understand the relation between people and buildings and among them and the environment, as well as the necessity to relate buildings and the space among them according to its needs and the human scale.
7. Knowledge of the research methods and preparation of building projects.
8. Comprehension of problems related to the structural conception, construction and engineering associated with building projects.
9. Adequate knowledge about physical problems, different technologies and the function of the building so that is has the sufficient intern conditions of comfort and protection of the climate factors.
11. Adequate knowledge of the industries, organizations, regulations and procedures to convert the projects in buildings and to integrate the plans in the planning.


5. Units in which the subject is organized:

I1 - material and order of mineral constructions

I2 - theory of the ground (geology and geotechnical)

A2 - foundation and walls
Shallow foundation, well, deep foundation, retaining walls, execution

A3 - Factory work
Wall structures, order and stability, regulation and control.
The materials of factories: pottery and `tendidos´

A4 - Reinforced concrete
Porticoed structures, unidirectional and bidirectional porticos, roofs, girders and pillars, structures
Reinforced concrete: components, dosage, regulation and control

A5 - structural steel
Girders and pillars, mixed structures
Structural steel

I2 - Theory of the envelope: heavy constructions
Insulation, water tightness and hygrothermic control, inertia and dynamic regimen analysis programs

B1- The contact with the ground
Plumbing framework
Esplanade, concrete, isolation

B2 - Facades
Single layer facades, ventilated facades with coating
Pottery, light panels and reinforced concrete panels, isolation materials

B3 - Carpentry
Types of carpentry
Non-ferrous metals, wood, glass

B4 - Coverings
Planes: conventional, upside down, roof garden
Inclined roof, tile, slate
Waterproofing: isolation materials, coverings, gutter


6. Teaching-learning methodological approach to achieve the objectives:
6.1 Description of the subject

This course focuses in studying the necessary concepts that students need to have theoretical and practical base of the different construction system of mineral origin, both in the project phase and in the execution and control phase.
Buildings, as physical objects, are material and energy spaces; spaces adapted to the activities that are supposed to be developed inside them, and subject to the energetic interchange. Looking at the global interactions of the building with its environment, implies reviewing many aspects of the construction, but specially the conception of its epidermis, because in it will happen most of the interchanges. Recovery and innovating have to be two compatible stages for the design of envelopes that exceed definitively the current conception of isolation in order to transform themselves in real membranes of interaction with the environment.
The subject of Construction II corresponds to the second course of studies of Architecture and Building Engineering. It continues the basic training of the student by approaching them to the building occupation. It intends to use the construction system of mineral origin (heavy) to learn the mechanisms of the project. In this way, the definition, the fulfillment of the applications, the definition and choice of the materials, the elaboration construction details or the energetic quantification, will be basic aspects of the student´s work.
This theoretical and practical course is based on a workshop that teaches that the construction is basically an exercise of three-dimensional composition with different problems (of manipulation, assembly) and with very complexes requirements. This is why the learning process reverses the traditional sequence which guides us form the project to the building site. It is considered that only after the student understands the construction problem on a real scale (1:1 model), he or she will be able to represent it b y means of the conventional abstractionism (drawing).
Structural systems, reinforced concrete, structural steel and factory work will be studied and related with the way in which they participate in the architectonic work, the typologies, the envelop strategies (facades, contact with the ground) associated to these structural systems and cover systems. Students will also deepen in the regulations in the construction details and execution, as well as in the quality of the basic materials for these systems.
The work will be done in the established formats for the documents that must be submitted, trying to deepen in the definition of each element and the methodological approximation to the execution project.

6.2 Methodology and activities in credits ECTS

On campus hours: 48%, 4,4 cr. ECTS, divided in:
Lectures: (IS/IT/CS/B/E) 16% (1,4 ECTS)
Practical hours: (CS/B/E) 32% (3 ECTS)

Total hours of student´s work: 52%, 4,6 cr. ECTS, divided in
Guided work (IT/CS/B/E) 16% (1,4 ECTS)
Non guided work (CS/B/E) 36% (3,2 ECTS)


Dedication to the subject = 9 credits - 26 hours / credit = 234 hours
Half-yearly dedication = 18 weeks (16 class-weeks + 2 exams)
Weekly dedication = 234 hours / 18 weeks = 13 hours / week

Concept Total Hours

Lectures: 32

Practical classes 64

Tutorship: 32

Individual study 77

Total hours of dedication beside exams 205
Study for exams: 26
Exams: 3 3
Total half-yearly dedication 234


7. Evaluation of the objectives:

7.1. Training activities
The course will have a continuous evaluation with a final exam and theoretical and practical works done during the course. The final evaluation will be done by the theory professor and by the practical professor who will be the student´s tutor of this subject, having into account the entire student´s work.
Those students who don´t pass this evaluation at the end of the course, or that don´t deliver all the theoretical and practical works, will have to take the extraordinary exam in June.

7.2. Evaluation of the acquired competences:

A. Exams A23, A24, A25, A26, A30, B14, B25, B26, B27
Only one exam to demonstrate the knowledge of concepts at the end of the course.

H. Projects IS1, IT2, IT9, CS1, A23, A24, A25, A26, A30, B14, B25, B26, B27
Practices done at home and in school.

I. Presentations IS1, IT9, A23, A24, A25, A26, B14, B25, B26, B27
Public presentation with demonstration of results of the projects and the research works of theoretical classes.

J. Participation in class IS1, IT9
Practices done at school and participation in the debates in which several themes will be exposed.

Evaluation Criteria
Basic Bibliography

8. Basic information sources. Bibliography:
Andrea Deplazes (Ed.) Constructing architecture - a handbook
Birkhäuser - Publishers for Architecture. Basel Boston Berlin 2004

Ignacio Paricio La construcció de l´arquitectura
ITEC. Barcelona 1995

Additional Material