La missió de La Salle Technova és oferir serveis de gestió de la innovació a les empreses i col·laborar amb els emprenedors en tot el procés de creació d’un projecte, des de la generació d’idees fins la seva sortida al mercat.
La Salle Technova is an incubator specialising in technology-based start-ups. We help companies grow in innovation, with the help of our mentors, partners and financing services. In addition, we align and take advantage of La Salle Campus’ technological expertise in various of its areas of expertise: Telecommunications, IT, Electronics, Architecture.
La Salle technova offers you:
- Incubation centres and shared workplaces
- Business development and boosting
- Public and private funding
- I+R
- Open Innovation
- Pre-boosting
Entrepreneurship Park
In La Salle Technova we have succeeded in creating a talent and innovation ecosystem to boost our students and entrepreneurial companies’ projects.
Thanks to specialized mentors in different areas, our partners, the EIX investor network and all affiliated companies, we help you design, create and implement all phases and lines of your project and seek both public and private funding.