Master of Science in Philosophy and Contemporary Debates on Arts and Technology la salle campus barcelona

Master of Science in Philosophy and Contemporary Debates on Arts and Technology

Be a Contemporary Thinker: An oasis of reflection and freedom to think about today's world.

Official name
Master of Science in Philosophy and contemporary debates on arts and technology
Degree certificate issued by The Ministry of Education
Modality On-site
Duration 1 Year
Language Spanish
Places available 20
Credits 60-ECTS
Start Date 21 October 2024
Schedule Monday to Friday, 19 pm to 21:30 pm, depending on enrolled subjects
Location Barcelona

Explore our Master's Degree in Philosophy and Contemporary Debates on Arts and Technology. Our approach offers meticulous training that, rooted in a robust philosophical and humanistic tradition, extends the legacy of thought and culture to the circumstances and challenges of the present world

Addressing the intricate problems of our era involves engaging in dialogue with various fields of knowledge, including science and technology, the arts, society, politics, economics, and business. Throughout the program, you'll delve into intriguing topics that encourage a deeper understanding of the human condition, prompting you to question the ideas that have profoundly shaped our culture and continue to influence our present.

The Master's Degree in Philosophy and Contemporary Debates on Arts and Technology provides an educational experience that unveils new horizons of reflection on a distinctive university campus. Featuring participatory clases, esteemed professors, and individualized attention tailored to your curricular path and research interests. 

Why is the Master at La Salle-URL unique?

  1. Solid philosophical and humanistic foundation: building upon the most solid philosophical and humanistic tradition, we open up the heritage of thought and culture to the circumstances and challenges of the present world.

  2. Transdisciplinary approach: complex issues of our time addressed in dialogue with other areas of knowledge, such as science and technology, the arts, society, politics, economics, or business.

  3. Space for freedom and reflection: our classrooms become spaces of freedom, where deep reflection is fostered on challenging topics that invite a better understanding of human nature and questioning of deeply rooted ideas that shape our culture. These thinking skills will undoubtedly also result in personal and professional growth.

  4. Personalized attention: with small groups of students, we foster an environment conducive to debate and interaction, allowing for more direct support from professors.

  5. Flexibility: at La Salle-URL, you can adapt the program to your availability. You have the option to pursue the master's degree flexibly, choosing a course itinerary that fits your schedule, and completing it in 1 or 2 academic years, according to your needs and study pace.

  6. First-rate professors: our faculty is composed of distinguished experts in their respective fields, ensuring an education of excellence. These professionals will not only guide you in your academic journey but also inspire you to explore new ideas and perspectives that will enrich your education.

The Master's program is greatly satisfying my expectations. The content is stimulating and of high quality, and as a student, I feel like I am taking a significant step forward. Every day brings forth new ideas and relevant reflections. Additionally, the relationship with the professors and the coordination is friendly, close, and facilitating. I absolutely recommend this Master's program to anyone interested in taking their passion for philosophical thought, arts, and culture further.

Josep Ignasi Vives, Alumno del Máster

Know the experience of Josep Ignasi | Master in Philosophy

Master of Science in Philosophy and Contemporary Debates on Arts and Technology

Máster de Investigación en Filosofía | La Salle-URL

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