We believe in people with values!

At La Salle-URL, people come first. We are convinced that we all can transform the world to make it a better and more sustainable place, and we believe in education, innovation and values as main drivers of this change. For this reason, our Masters and Postgraduate Programs in business & management, engineering, architecture and project management aim to accompany you in your development as a highly qualified professional and prepare you to stand out in an increasingly competitive world.

To walk with you and to promote your career, at La Salle-URL we offer different scholarships and special financing conditions for completing your Master's degree. We want to make sure your financial circumstances don't get in the way of reaching your next challenge.


Request More Information

How to Apply for a Scholarship

To apply for a scholarship you must first have completed the admission process in the program of your choice. Once we have notified you that you have been accepted you can apply for the scholarship.


Start Now Your Admission Process


Conditions to Obtain a Scholarship

You can only apply for a scholarship for programs that have not yet started, and for which there are still places available. In addition, scholarships and grants are subject to compliance with admission and application requirements.

The different scholarships, discounts and financial aid for study are not cumulative with each other.

Ask for more information:

Mail: admissions@salleurl.edu
Phone: 932902414
WhatsApp: 669376782

Available Scholarships

Stay With Us

If you are studying an undergraduate’s degree or a Master's degree at La Salle Campus Barcelona, and you´d like to go further on your specialization, we make it very easy for you to stay with us. The Stay With Us scholarships are our commitment to long-term education and are awarded to support our students and professionals who want to stand out in sectors with greater employability.


If you are finishing an undergraduate’s degree or a Master's degree and decide to continue specializing in our programs the following year, you can benefit from:

  • 40% scholarship to study:
    • MBA Internacional Full Time
  • 30% scholarship to study:
    • On site or online masters
  • 20% scholarship to study:
    • Specialization courses
    • Executive programs
    • Postgraduate Degrees


If you are taking a specialization course during the current academic year:

  • 20% scholarship:
    • MBA Internacional Full Time
  • 20% scholarship
    • On site and online masters(*)
    • Specialization course
    • Executive programs

(*) In programs in which credits are validated, these conditions may vary. 


La Salle-URL students who are currently studying or have just finished their studies and want to continue their education with us next year. If your previous education ended some time ago, you may be interested in the Alumni La Salle Campus Barcelona scholarship.


  • Personal academic certificate


These scholarships are awarded automatically once the documentation has been reviewed.


La Salle-URL Alumni

At La Salle Campus Barcelona we are committed to long-life learning and we work to make sure our students are prepared to promote their professional careers. To make it easier for you to continue your education at La Salle Campus Barcelona, we offer you the La Salle Campus BCN Alumni Scholarship, open for students who do not accomplish the requirements for a Stay With Us scholarships. 



  • 20% scholarship
    • Former undergraduate students from La Salle Campus Barcelona who want to take a Master's degree.
    • Former La Salle-URL Master's o Postgraduate students who want to study for another Master's degree
    • Former undergraduate, Master's, or Postgraduate students of La Salle Campus Barcelona who want to take a Postgraduate degree.
  • 15% scholarship
    • Former students of the rest of the formations of La Salle Campus Barcelona (Courses, Summer School,…) who want to study for a Master's degree.
  • 10% scholarship
    • Former students of the rest of the formations of La Salle Campus Barcelona (Courses, Summer School,…) who want to study for a Postgraduate degree.



You can apply for this scholarship if you are a former student and meet the above conditions. To prove compliance with the requirements, you must consider:


  • Personal academic certificate


These scholarships are awarded automatically once the documentation has been reviewed.

Academic Excellence

At La Salle URL we are committed to talent. For this reason, we want to recognize those students who excel in their academic results with special economic conditions so that they can keep specializing and promoting their professional careers with our Master's and Postgraduate programs.


  • 40% scholarship
    • Candidates who have completed their undergraduate degree in the 2020-2021 academic year or later, with an average grade greater than or equal to 8.5**.
  • 50% scholarship
    • Candidates who have completed their undergraduate degree in the 2020-2021 academic year or later, with an average grade greater than or equal to 9.5***.
  • A maximum of 5 scholarships are awarded per group/program.

**Or equivalent note in the scoring system of the Spanish university system.

***Or equivalent note in the scoring system of the Spanish university system.



You can apply for this financial aid if you meet the above conditions. To prove compliance with the requirements, you must take into account:


  • Personal academic certificate
  • University degree


  • These scholarships are awarded automatically once the documentation has been reviewed, and subject to the candidate’s grades.
  • Resolutions will be published in order of arrival and until the scholarships assigned to each group/program are exhausted.
  • The selected students will become part of the Ambassadors Program.


Ambassadors Program

The Ambassador Students are students of La Salle Campus Barcelona who voluntarily participate and support the organization of activities inside and outside the Campus. In your case, as Ambassador Student of the Master's and Postgraduate programs, we will count on you to participate in different events such as online and face-to-face information sessions, or in communication pieces such as videos or interviews to explain your experience to future La Salle students.

La Salle Schools and Universities Alumni

If you have been a student at any La Salle School or University anywhere in the world, we make it easy for you to continue your education with us.


  • 10% scholarship
    • Former students of colleges, undergraduate or postgraduate of a La Salle university who want to take a Master's degree.



You can apply for this financial aid if you are a former student and meet the above conditions. To prove compliance with the requirements, you must consider:


  • Personal academic certificate
  • University degree


These scholarships are awarded automatically once the documentation has been reviewed.


At La Salle URL we are committed to talent. For this reason, we want to recognize those students who excel in their academic results with special economic conditions so that they can keep specializing and promoting their professional careers with our Master's and Postgraduate programs.



  • 20% scholarship
    • Candidates who have completed their undergraduate degree in the 2020-2021 academic year or later, with an average grade greater than or equal to 7.5*

*Or equivalent note in the scoring system of the Spanish university system.



You can apply for this financial aid if you meet the above conditions. To prove compliance with the requirements, you must take into account:


  • Personal academic certificate
  • University degree


  • These scholarships are awarded automatically once the documentation has been reviewed, and subject to the candidate’s grades.
  • Resolutions will be published in order of arrival and until the scholarships assigned to each group/program are exhausted.
  • The selected students will become part of the Ambassadors Program.
  • A maximum of 2 scholarships are awarded per group/program.


Ambassadors Program

The Ambassador Students are students of La Salle Campus Barcelona who voluntarily participate and support the organization of activities inside and outside the Campus. In your case, as Ambassador Student of the Master's and Postgraduate programs, we will count on you to participate in different events such as online and face-to-face information sessions, or in communication pieces such as videos or interviews to explain your experience to future La Salle students.

Corporate Agreement

La Salle Campus Barcelona is a globally connected ecosystem, not only in the academic sphere, but also at a business level. In order to contribute to the training and specialization of the best professionals, La Salle promotes these scholarships in collaboration with the companies and groups with which we have signed collaboration agreements.



  • 15% scholarship
    • For candidates working in a company with a signed agreement with FUNITEC – La Salle. Contact us to know the list of companies.



You can apply for these financial aids if you work in any of our partner companies, presenting the following information:


  • Document accrediting the employment relationship between the candidate and one of the companies of the agreement.


  • These scholarships are awarded automatically once the documentation has been reviewed.

Partner Universities Agreement

La Salle Campus Barcelona is an internationally connected ecosystem, which means that we have more than 90 academic cooperation agreements with universities around the world. This financial aid is intended to encourage people who have studied at our partner universities to continue specializing at La Salle Campus Barcelona.



  • 15% scholarship
    • Former students of the Network of Universities with an agreement with La Salle Campus Barcelona who want to study a Master’s degree.
      • See the list of universities with agreements here.



You can apply for these financial aids if you are a former student of any of the universities with which La Salle Campus Barcelona has a collaboration agreement. To prove compliance with the requirements, you must take into account:


  • Personal academic certificate
  • University degree


  • These scholarships are awarded automatically once the documentation has been reviewed.

Young Leaders

We know how difficult it is to be an entrepreneur and try to develop your own start-up. You lack specific knowledge to lay the foundations for this project and the Full Time MBA is the perfect program to achieve this purpose.

For this reason, we launched the Young Leaders Scholarships, aimed at those candidates under 25 years, interested in studying the Full Time MBA and with the ultimate goal of developing an Entrepreneurship or Digitization project.


Up to a maximum of 5 scholarships of 30% of the total amount of the Master will be awarded.


Scholarship aimed at: candidates under 25 years with an interest in developing an Entrepreneurship or Digitization project.


  • Curriculum vitae
  • Academic record
  • Motivation letter to study the Master


These scholarships are awarded once all the applications submitted have been reviewed, by evaluating all the applications.

La Salle Community

At La Salle Campus Barcelona we believe that the economic situation should not be a brake on access to training and professionalization. With these scholarships we want candidates with good academic records and good professional careers not to be left without the opportunity to specialize with our training for financial reasons.



  • 10-40% scholarship
    • Candidates with a good academic profile and a good professional career who do not have sufficient financial resources.



You can apply for these financial aids by presenting the following information:


  • Personal academic certificate
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Tax declaration or equivalent document
  • Motivation letter


  • These scholarships are awarded from the General Academic Secretariat, after evaluating the documentation and the application.

Tech Woman

In 2022, 36% of management positions are held by women in Spain. It is the highest percentage in its history, as demonstrated by Grant Thornton's latest report on Women in Business 2022, but we still have a way to go until we reach higher parity figures in senior business managers. With the aim of making this percentage grow year after year, La Salle Campus Barcelona offers Tech Woman scholarships, which facilitate women's access to engineering and business management programs at La Salle. 



  • 20% scholarship
    • For women who prove a minimum of three years of work experience and with a good academic profile.
    • The scholarship is applicable to face-to-face or on site groups of the following programs:
      • Master of Science in Data Science
      • Master of Science in Big Data
      • Master in Software Development and Arquitecture
      • Master in Cibersecurity
      • Master in BIM Management
      • Master of Science in Technology Management
      • Master in Supply Chain Management & Technology
      • Master in eCommerce.
      • Master of Science in Project Management
      • Master in Agile Methods 
      • Master of Science in Marketing and Social Media Management
      • MBA Full Time
      • Executive MBA

For MBA programs, the amount of this scholarship is higher. In the case of the Executive MBA program, up to 5 scholarships of 40% of the total Master's degree will be awarded, and in the case of the Full Time MBA, up to 5 scholarships of 40% of the total Master's degree will be awarded.



You can apply for these financial aids if you are a woman interested in specializing in the Master's programs offered by La Salle, presenting the following information:


  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Academic certificate
  • Motivation letter


  • These scholarships are awarded automatically once the documentation has been reviewed.
  • Only two scholarships are awarded per program.

Build Your Future

The La Salle-URL Master of Science in Integrated Architectural Design prepares you to respond to the contemporary global challenges of architectural and urban design. The Build Your Future scholarship is our commitment to your career success. Enter this Master and explore integrated design with a special focus on the logics of environmental, social, digital, tectonic, and cultural architectural design and construction.



  • 30% to 50% scholarship
    • For candidates who want to study the Master of Science in Integrated Architectural Design and who can add value to the program and to the School of Architecture and Building Engineering La Salle with outstanding skills, aptitudes and attitudes
    • A maximum of 5 scholarships will be awarded


You can apply for this scholarship if you are an architect interested in specializing in your profession by combining three fundamental axes: design, technique and culture. To apply for the scholarship, you must take into account:


  • Motivation letter explaining why you want to do this Master and why you should be awarded a scholarship, detailing what you will contribute to the program and to the School, and what your abilities, differential value and aptitudes are
  • Curriculum vitae and/or academic cetificate


  • These scholarships are awarded after the evaluation of the documentation of the candidates

Visiting Barcelona

The La Salle-URL Masters in Architecture are the best option to specialize in areas such as building project leadership, sustainable architectural and urban design, interior architecture, structural calculation, heritage rehabilitation or new environmental logics, social, tectonic and cultural. 

The Visiting Barcelona Scholarships are a unique opportunity to access our Masters in Architecture and develop as a professional with a global perspective that prepares you to consolidate your career with PhD studies in Barcelona. The purpose of this scholarship is to attract as students' professors from Latin American universities who want to start their path towards PhD studies. 



  • 50% scholarship
    • For professors from Latin American universities who want to study the Master of Science in Integrated Architectural Design or the Master of Science in Building Construction Management (in any of its specialization)
    • Scholarship candidates will be offered the option of teaching classes to La Salle-URL university degree students
    • A maximum of 5 scholarships will be awarded


You can apply for this scholarship if you are a professor at a Latin American university. To apply for the scholarship, you must take into account:


  • Currículum Vitae
  • o Motivation letter explaining why you want to do this Master and why you should be awarded a scholarship, detailing what you will contribute to the program and to the School, and what your abilities, differential value and aptitudes are


  • These scholarships are awarded after the evaluation of the documentation of the candidates


At La Salle Campus Barcelona we believe that access to education, knowledge and specialization should not be limited by the conditions of each person. With the social scholarships we want to bring our programs closer to all those candidates who have special personal situations and who want to train at La Salle-URL.



  • 25& scholarship
    • Candidates with a disability of 33% or more who want to study a Master.
  • 15% scholarship
    • Candidates with one or more family members studying an undergraduate’s degree or a Master's degree at La Salle who wish to study a Master's degree.
    • Candidates who prove to be unemployed, in a RTER situation, and self-employed professionals.



You can apply for these financial aids if you find yourself in any of the situations described above. To prove compliance with the requirements, you must take into account:


  • Certificate of degree of disability.
  • Document accrediting having a family member studying an undergraduate’s degree or master's degree at La Salle Campus Barcelona.
  • Document proving that you are unemployed, in a RTER situation, and self-employed professionals.


  • These scholarships are awarded automatically once the accreditation of each situation has been reviewed.


The Master in eHealth of La Salle – URL aims to train professionals for the leadership of the application of information technologies in the health field. Aware of the importance of developing new digital skills in the treatment of electronic medical records and new forms of patient care, the Col·legi Oficial d'Infermeres i Infermers de Barcelona (COIB) has aligned with La Salle to award two 50% scholarships for nurses who want to take this master's program.



  • 50% scholarship
    • For candidates who comply with the access requirements and are accepted in the Master in eHealth of La Salle - URL who can accredit references in the sector and professional motivations and linkage with innovative systems in the field of digital health.
    • Requirements to apply for the scholarship:
      • Professional career aligned with the subjects taught in the master's degree, and direct or indirect relationship of the program with the candidate’s job.
      • Interest in beginning or deepening knowledge in the field of health technologies and health management, and applicability in the future professional and job position of the candidate.
      • In the case of candidates who have completed the degree less than three years ago and who do not have professional experience, the final degree grade will be assessed.
    • For more information on the requirements and the process, consult this link.



You can apply for these financial aids if you have been accepted to the Master in eHealth de La Salle – URL and you meet the conditions described, presenting the following information:


  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Motivation letter
  • Academic certificate (in the case of candidates who have completed the degree less than three years ago)


  • These scholarships are awarded after validation by a mixed commission formed by the Coordination of the Master and the Technology, Digital Transformation and Innovation Commission (T2DI) of the COIB
  • Only two scholarships are awarded per program.

Fundación Carolina

In line with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) included in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the Carolina Foundation offers scholarships that promote higher education and scientific and technological knowledge as a central axis in its five “P”s: caring for the planet; the development of people; a prosperity that leaves no one behind; peace, justice, and strong and accountable institutions; and associations and partnerships between all the actors.



  • 75% scholarship
    • To study the Master's Degree in Integrated Construction Management. Sustainability and Energy Efficiency (face-to-face, 1 scholarship).
    • To study the Master's Degree in Project Management (in English, 1 scholarship).


You can opt for this financial aid if you are an Ibero-American candidate with a completed university degree. The application process is established and processed by the Fundación Carolina.

Fundae Bonuses

The State Foundation for Employment Training or Fundae, grants bonuses to companies to encourage the continuous participation of their workers. The subsidized training for employment is then intended to increase the competitiveness and productivity of its workers.

At La Salle URL, in addition to being providers of training accredited by the entity, we provide you with the necessary information so that you can process and manage the bonus with the Fundae courses.

In this way, your company will be able to reward the training you have chosen.

The Masters degrees that can be subsidized by the Fundae are:

  • Master in eCommerce (online and face-to-face)
  • Master of Science in Marketing and Social Media Management(online and on-site)
  • Master in Agile Methods
  • Master in User Experience
  • Master of Science in Supply Chain Management and Technology (online and on-site)
  • Master of Science in Project Management (online, on-site and English)
  • Master of Science in Technology Management and Digital Innovation (online and on-site)
  • Master in e-health: Information Technology and Healthcare Management (online and onsite)
  • Master in Cybersecurity
  • Master of Science in Big Data
  • Master in Architectural and Environmental Acoustics

Check all the characteristics and conditions of these grants here.

Public Entities

Scholarships from the Ministry of Education: check the information, grants and calls here.

Scholarships from the Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i Recerca (AGAUR): check the information, grants and calls here.

TIC Salut

The Master in eHealth of La Salle-URL aims to train professionals in leadership in the application of information technologies in the health field. Aware of the importance of developing new digital skills, the Fundació TIC Salut Social has aligned with La Salle Campus Barcelona to offer two 50% scholarships to candidates enrolled in the master's program One scholarship for the online program and another one for the face-to-face program.



  • 50% scholarship
    • For candidates who comply with the access requirements and are accepted in the Master in eHealth of La Salle - URL who can accredit references in the sector and professional motivations and linkage with innovative systems in the field of digital health.
    • Scholarship eligibility:
      • Professional career related to the candidate's work and/or background
      • Interest in starting or deepening their knowledge of health technologies and health management.
      • In the case that less than three years have passed since the completion of the university degree and the candidate does not have sufficient professional experience, the final grade of the degree will be taken into account.
      • It is essential that the candidate is accepted in the master and has paid the reservation fee.
    • For more information on the requirements and the process, please consult this link.



Applications should be sent following the instructions of the counselor who accompanies you in your admission process or to the e-mail address admissions@salle.url.edu.


  • Detailed Curriculum Vitae
  • Motivation letter (max 1 page)
  • Academic record (in the case of candidates who have completed their undergraduate degree less than three years ago)
  • Portfolio of projects or publications related to the field of the master's degree (optional, if available).


  • These scholarships are awarded after validation by the Organizing Committee and La Salle Campus Barcelona.
  • If necessary, the jury may consider conducting a personal interview with the finalists.
  • The jury will award 2 scholarships worth 50% of the tuition fee for the Master's Degree in eHealth. One scholarship will be awarded to applications from students of the program in face-to-face mode and the other to applications from students in the online mode. In the event that there are no applications in either modality, the scholarship will not be awarded. It is not contemplated to award two scholarships in the same modality.


The Master of Science in Digital Arts and Creative Technologies at La Salle - Ramon Llull University explores the creative relationships between art, science, and technology. It examines how they can communicate through an evolving interdisciplinary practice. The programme has been created with a vocation for international excellence and to be one of the TOP in Europe in its field. That's why we have created a scholarship to involve the best talents in the spectrum of digital art.

The Digital & Creative Scholarship aims to attract associated professors from other universities and professionals related to the artistic field working in any public or private cultural organisation based in Barcelona.

You can apply for this scholarship if you are:

  • Associate professors from universities related to the artistic field and technical fields such as engineering, multimedia, computer science, etc.
  • Professionals working exclusively in cultural organisations.

Amount and conditions

Up to 3 scholarships will be awarded with a 50% Scholarship

Conditions of the collaboration:

Scholarship candidates will be asked to work up to 5 hours as Teaching Assistant o Coordinator Assistant, according to the candidate profile.

Subjects: related to the Digital Arts or Creative Technology’s Industry.

Main Language: English & Spanish

Working hours: Mondays to Fridays, from 14:30 h to 19:30 h. (days and hours to be agreed for the two parts)

Approximate dedication: 5 hours per week.

Requirements: Being a qualified or experienced artist/researcher/professional in the artistic field (design, digital art, fine arts, illustration, animation) and/or technical fields (engineering, computer science, multimedia, 3D modelling)

Associated Conditions to the collaboration

The scholarship’s holders will be required to participate in the different promotion’s activities for the marketing Department at La Salle-URL, when needed.

Documentation to submit

  • Motivation Letter and a video explain why you are the right candidate to fill any of these positions.
  • Curriculum Vitae and your portfolio

All documents submitted by candidates will be carefully examined and evaluated according to the candidate's profile in order to fill the positions associated with the scholarship.


*The different scholarships, discounts and financial aid for study are not cumulative with each other.


The influence of NTT DATA in Spain is reflected in its ability to drive technological innovation, promote economic and social development, and contribute to the advancement of digital transformation in the country.

In line with its goal to support outstanding students looking to enhance their academic and professional profiles, NTT DATA is launching its first scholarship program for Master's degrees at La Salle - URL in fields experiencing significant professional growth, such as cybersecurity. This is crucial today given the exponential increase in threats to digital assets.



  • 25% Scholarship
    • For students who have been admitted to the master's program.
    • The scholarship applies to the following programs:
      • Master in Cybersecurity.
      • Master in Cybersecurity and Critical Infrastructure Management.
    • Up to 2 scholarships per group covering 25% of the total cost of the Master’s program will be awarded.


Candidate profiles will be evaluated by a committee composed of members from NTT Data and La Salle, who will review the submitted documentation to assess the suitability of each profile and allocate the scholarships. You can apply for these financial aids by submitting the following information:


  • Curriculum Vitae.
  • Academic transcript.
  • Motivation letter for pursuing the Master’s program.


  • These scholarships are awarded automatically once the documentation has been reviewed.
  • Only two scholarships are awarded per Master’s program.


  • This scholarship is incompatible with other scholarships that cover the total or partial tuition fees of the same program.

Fundació Massó Scholarship

The José Luis Massó Private Foundation offers scholarships to promote higher education and employment opportunities for young people with university studies who face economic difficulties, fostering their higher education and propelling their work experience, with special consideration for young people with physical, mental, or sensory disabilities.

Fundació Massó and La Salle-URL share a strong commitment to inclusion and equitable access to higher education, aligning with the principles of social responsibility and integral humanism promoted by La Salle-URL. Therefore, for the 2024/2025 academic year, two scholarships are offered:

  • Master of Science in Supply Chain Management and Technology
  • Master in Cybersecurity



  • 100% Scholarship
    • Master of Science in Supply Chain Management and Technology: one scholarship covering 100% of tuition.
    • Master in Cybersecurity: one scholarship covering 100% of tuition.


    Eligibility Conditions:

    • Spanish nationality, EU nationality, or legal residency in the country.
    • University graduate in the required field.
    • Admitted to the Master’s program at La Salle - URL.
    • Vulnerable socio-economic situation.


    Applications must be submitted through the La Salle - URL electronic headquarters before July 15, 2024.

    Submitting an application implies acceptance of the terms and conditions and consent to the use of academic and personal data.

    • Motivation letter.
    • Photocopy of DNI or NIE.
    • Certification of academic transcript.
    • Curriculum Vitae.
    • Proof of admission to the Master's program.
    • Copy of the income tax return and certificate of cohabitation.


    Scholarships will be awarded based on:

    • Family economic resources.
    • Disability status.
    • Personal and family situation.
    • Academic transcript.
    • Professional and international experience.
    • Personal interview.


    • Use the scholarship for the intended purpose.
    • Attend at least 80% of classes.
    • Report the receipt of other scholarships.
    • Inform about enrollment cancellation or withdrawal from studies.


    • This scholarship is incompatible with other scholarships that cover the total or partial tuition fees of the same program.

Nestlé Scholarship

Nestlé, one of the leading companies in the food and beverage sector worldwide, tangibly committed to sustainability, technological innovation, and talent development, has played a fundamental role in the economy for decades, not only through job creation but also through initiatives that promote education and professional training.

Following its goal of supporting outstanding students who want to enhance their academic and professional profiles, Nestlé launches its first scholarship call for La Salle - URL Master's programs in the areas with the highest professional growth, such as digital innovation and data science, crucial areas today due to the exponential increase in digitization and its impacts on individuals, companies, and governments.



  • Scholarship up to 35%
    • Master's Degree in Technological Direction and Digital Innovation: 1 scholarship of 30%.
    • Online Master's Degree in Technological Direction and Digital Innovation: 1 scholarship of 35%.
    • Master's Degree in Data Science: 1 scholarship of 30%.
    • Online Master's Degree in Data Science: 1 scholarship of 35%.


    The profiles of the candidates will be evaluated by a committee composed of members of Nestlé and La Salle-URL, who will review the submitted documentation to assess the suitability of each profile and assign the scholarships. You can apply for these financial aids by submitting the following information:

    • Spanish nationality, EU nationality, or legal residency in the country.
    • University graduate in the required field.
    • Admitted to the Master’s program at La Salle - URL.
    • Vulnerable socio-economic situation.


    • Curriculum Vitae.
    • Academic record.
    • Motivation letter to pursue the Master's.


    These scholarships are automatically awarded once the documentation has been reviewed. Up to 1 scholarship will be awarded per group and per academic year.

    • Family economic resources.
    • Disability status.
    • Personal and family situation.
    • Academic transcript.
    • Professional and international experience.
    • Personal interview.


    Beneficiaries must maintain high academic performance during the duration of the program. In addition, Nestlé will consider the possibility of incorporating the scholarship holders into the team through an internship agreement or a job offer, formalized through a written agreement.

    The scholarship holders commit to actively participating in events and activities organized by the company, such as seminars, workshops, and conferences, as well as in promotion actions for the master's program.


    Students admitted to the indicated master's programs can apply for the Nestlé scholarship. Candidates must submit their application through the La Salle-URL electronic headquarters, with the maximum application submission deadline being September 30, 2024, for the on-site modality and September 1, 2024, for the online modality. The resolutions will be communicated within one week after the end of the application period.


    • This scholarship is incompatible with other scholarships that cover the total or partial tuition fees of the same program.


The Master's Degree in eHealth at La Salle-URL aims to train professionals in the leadership of the application of information technologies in the field of health. Aware of the importance of developing new digital skills, La Salle Campus Barcelona and the Barcelona College of Physicians have joined forces to offer exclusive advantages in advanced training to health professionals.



  • 50% scholarship

    The College of Physicians of Barcelona and La Salle Campus Barcelona are offering two scholarships of 50% to candidates enrolled in the master's program. One scholarship will be awarded in the online modality and another in the face-to-face modality.

  • Requirements to apply for the scholarship:
    • Professional career related to the work and/or career of the candidate.
    • Interest in starting or deepening their knowledge of health technologies and health management.
    • In the event that it has been less than three years since the completion of their university degree and they do not have sufficient professional experience, the final grade of the degree will be assessed.
    • It is essential that the candidate is accepted in the master's degree and has paid the reservation of a place.
  • Required documentation:
    • Detailed Curriculum Vitae.
    • Letter of motivation (max. 1 page).
    • Academic record (in the case of candidates who have completed the degree less than three years ago).


Applications must be sent following the instructions of the advisor who accompanies you in your admission process or to the email address admissions@salle.url.edu.

15% discount

In addition, COMB members can take advantage of a 15% discount on all open Master's, Postgraduate and Course programs, both face-to-face and online, offered by La Salle-URL.


These scholarships are awarded after validation by the Organizing Committee and La Salle Campus Barcelona. If necessary, the jury may consider conducting a personal interview with the finalist candidates. The jury will award 2 scholarships worth 50% of the tuition fee for the Master's Degree in eHealth. One scholarship will be awarded to applications from students of the program in face-to-face mode and the other to applications from students in the online modality. In the event that there are no applications in any of the modalities, that scholarship will be deserted. It is not contemplated to award two scholarships in the same modality.