This course provides students with the project management methodologies in combination with business and personal skills. The course approach combines: Business concepts with those derived of project management. Basic principles of project management, establishing a common framework applicable to any project in any sector. This course provides students with the practical skills, tools and techniques to enable them to define, plan, execute and control a range of projects. At the conclusion of the course, students will be able to understand the critical link between people, projects and business strategy. Students will be able to define, select, plan and monitor a range of projects aligning project objectives with business strategy and team management.
Tipo asignatura
Tercer - Obligatoria

Profesores Titulares

Conocimientos previos

This course seeks to assist the student in:

Understanding the basic concepts of Project Management and the relationship between business and Project Management.

Understanding the role and skills of project managers.

Developing strategic project management skills/ data analysis and project selection skills/ project portfolio management skills/ leadership and team management skills.

Using a set of tools and techniques.

Defining the key project parameters in relation to scope, time and cost. Risks and Stakeholders.

Using a set of tools and techniques applicable at different stages in the life cycle of a project.


Below you can find the main topics that will be covered:

Topic 1 Project Management and Business.

Topic 2 Strategic project management.

Topic 3 Project initiation & planning.

Topic 4 Project Executing and Closure.

Topic 5 Leadership skills and Team Management.


The learning experience is based on a mix of theoretical classes and workshops with various simulated scenarios where students will use a learning-by-doing approach.

This course seeks to foster the understanding of the management of projects and the development of managerial skills. A hands-on approach is crucial throughout the course with in-class and out-of-class readings, teamwork activities, exercises and discussions and individual and group assignments and presentations.


The Course grade will be based on the following point breakdown:

10% Attendance.

15% Class participation, attitude and effort.

20% Individual exercises.

25% Group assignment.

30% Mid-term and Final exams.

Criterios evaluación
Bibliografía básica

Title: A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide). Author: Project Management Institute.

Title: Fundamentals of Project Management. Author: Joseph Heagney.

Material complementario

Title: Project Management. Author: Harvey Maylor.

Title: Project Management Step by Step. Author: Larry Richman.