This course reflects the shift from the conventional methods of advertising to the more widely recognized approach of implementing an integrated marketing communications strategy. The material taught underscores the importance of recognizing that a firm must use all promotional tools available to convey a unified message to the consumer. The integrated marketing communications perspective catapults the student into the business practices of the 21st century and aims to build awareness on Integrated Marketing Communication concepts and implementation. This course is designed to increase your awareness of the relevant role of marketing communications and how it must be approached in an integrated manner for the 21st century. We will approach marketing communications from all aspects of the marketing communications perspective, one that recognizes the importance of coordinating all of the marketing mix elements to develop and implement an effective marketing communications program.
Tipo asignatura
Tercer - Obligatoria

Profesores Titulares

Conocimientos previos

To raise awareness of how marketing communication has evolved in the 21st century.

Give you a comprehensive approach to Marketing Communications from an integrated point of view.

To understand an integrated marketing communications promotional mix.

To identify the components of an effective integrated marketing communication plan.

To monitor one’s own knowledge gained in the marketing communication planning process and implementation.

To guide you in approaching advertising and promotion from an IMC perspective, coordinating the various promotional mix elements with other marketing activities that communicate with a firm’s audiences and customers.


Below you will find the main topics covered during this course:

Topic 1 Integrated Marketing Program Situation Analysis.

Topic 2 Analyzing the Communication Process.

Topic 3 Objectives and Budgeting for Integrated Marketing Communications Programs.

Topic 4 Developing the Integrated Marketing Communications Program.

Topic 5 Evaluations/ Final Project.


The learning experience is based on a range of teaching methods that seek to foster your understanding of integrated marketing communication. The classes will be dynamic only if students come to class prepared and willing to contribute to class discussion.

The learning experience is based on the following teaching methods:


Industry Expert Lectures.

Video supplements with original material: video clips, commercials, ads.

Course work / Exercises & Workshops / Status Reports.

A hands-on approach is crucial throughout the course with suggested out-of-class readings, exercises and discussion.


The course grade will be based on the following point breakdown:

Attendance and participation (including preparation of homework): 25%

Workshops | presentations: 10%

Midterm exam: 25%

Final Project / exam: 40%

Criterios evaluación
Bibliografía básica

Title: Advertising and Promotion – An Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective: 8/e Edition. Author: George Belch / Michael Belch.

Material complementario