Online Course in Leadership Development: Management Skills La Salle Campus Barcelona URL

Online Course in Leadership Development: Management Skills

Get ready to lead people and projects, acquiring the criteria and tools necessary to progress in your professional career.

Official name
Course in Leadership Development: Management Skills
Degree certificate issued by La Salle
Modality Online Guided Learning
Duration 6 Weeks
Language Spanish
Places available 30
Credits 5-ECTS
Start Date 04 November 2024
Schedule Synchronous sessions on Mondays and Thursdays from 20h to 21h
Location Barcelona

The ability to lead people and projects is a fundamental and a necessary requirement, both to internally promote in our organization, as to aim for new professional challenges.

Organizations need leaders capable of motivating, uniting and developing working teams, especially in situations of great uncertainty such as the one we are currently experiencing.

Today's leaders are required to:

  • Ensure the achievement of the objectives established, in time and form.
  • Have a permanently oriented attitude towards solutions and people.
  • Understand the needs of their collaborators and to create scenarios to enable their professional development.
  • Communicate clearly and constantly inspiring.
  • Resolve conflicts of interest and build trust in relationships.
  • Create high performance teams.

The Managerial Skills Course is a program with an eminently practical approach so that everything that is worked on during the training can be applied in your workplace.


Some or all of the cost of this course may be covered by FUNDAE training funds.

La Salle-URL is accredited by FUNDAE as a training provider, and we provide all the information required so you can request funding for your course from said body.​

We offer special bonuses to those companies that enroll several participants in the same course or in different courses within the current academic year.

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