Learn why you need to register your business with the state, how to decide on what business entity to choose, how to protect your intellectual property, basic employment laws, online privacy issues and much more. As an entrepreneur, at one point or another, you will need to hire a lawyer. You will also have to understand many of the business law basics like issues with business registration, liability protection, entity types and more. This course will teach you all that and much more!
Tipus assignatura
Optativa que no es cursa
Coneixements previs

understand basics of business registration
understand how to protect your intellectual property
Be able to determine which business entity type to choose
Research a lawyer's disciplinary ethics background
Know the difference between a patent, trademark and a copyright, and be able to determine when each is needed
Understand legal issues surrounding Internet privacy
Understand laws about hiring and firing employees and contractors, and what you can be fired or let go for as an employee

Criteris avaluació
Bibliografia bàsica
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