Marc Freixes Guerreiro

Marc Freixes Guerreiro
Correu electrònic
Departament d'Enginyeria
Research Group on Media Technologies
Grup de Recerca


Dairy cattle is one of the livestock systems with the highest production shares in Europe [1]. Over the last decades, animal welfare has...

Among noise sources, maritime traffic is of relevance on animal wellness, although its impact is little known in many European sea-basins...

The aim of the project is to develop a platform that will allow environmental data to be monitored, processed and analyzed in real time,...

In this project, we aim at the computational generation of expressive voice by following a hybrid approach. We will skip the inherent lim...

"Sons al Balcó" project aims to study the effect that the lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic has caused on the perception of noise in...


Marc Freixes, Marc Arnela, Joan Claudi Socoró, Francesc Alías, Oriol Guasch
Applied Sciences - October 2019
Marc Freixes, Marc Arnela, Francesc Alías, Joan Claudi Socoró
- September 2019