Guiomar Corral Torruella

Guiomar Corral Torruella
Correu electrònic
Sant Jaume Hilari
C. Quatre Camins 30, 08022, Barcelona
Direcció Acadèmica de Graus d'Enginyeria
Blended Future Networks
Departament d'Enginyeria
Directora de l´Escola Tècnica Superior d´Enginyeria La Salle (ETSELS)

Guiomar Corral received the Ph.D. degree in telecommunications in 2009. She received both her M.S. degree in Electronics Engineering and her degree in technical Telecommunications Engineering from Universitat Ramon Llull (URL), Spain, in 1995 and 1998 respectively. She also received her MBA from the same university in 2017.
She is the Dean of the Digital Engineering School of La Salle-URL.
She is a researcher of the Blended Network Architectures area in the Research Group on Smart Society . Her research is focused on cybersecurity in networks and Internet technologies, as well as on the application of artificial intelligence to solve problems related to security, both in smart electrical networks and IoT networks. Previously, she was member of the Research Group in Internet Technologies & Storage (GRITS) from 2014 to 2021 and member of the Research Group in Intelligent Systems (GRSI) from 1998 to 2013.
She is a full-time lecturer of Networking in the URL since 1997, and instructor of CCNA and CCNP CISCO certifications since 2000 in La Salle.


Guiomar Corral and Xavier Cadenas and Agustín Zaballos and M.Teresa Cadenas
First International Conference on Wireless Internet - WICON 2005 - 2005