Alan Briones Delgado
Mr. Alan Briones, holds an M.Sc in Telecommunications Engineering (Telematics) from the Universitat Ramon Llull (URL), Barcelona, Spain in 2012 and a Master in Project Management, in 2015. He has been CCNA instructor in the Department of Telematics at URL and project manager of the Department of Research Group on Internet Technologies and Storage since 2012. His research focuses on Computer Networks: Protocols and Architectures and Project Management. He has participated in technological projects with companies such as Endesa (Smart City Málaga), Video Stream Networks (VSN), LEAR, among others. He is coordinating the European Erasmus+ Advanced Training in Health Innovation Knowledge Alliance (ATHIKA). Also, he was Project Manager of La Salle-URL participation in several National and European R&D projects such as FP7-FIPPP FINESCE, Erasmus+ Strategic PaRtnership for INdustry 4.0 innovation advanced Training (SPRINT 4.0). He is also the coordinator of the Master in Digital Transformation Technologies since 2018, besides collaborating in the coordination of Masters and Postgraduate programs of La Salle-URL.
The goal of the project is to contribute to fill in the existing knowledge gap that university students have with regard to Industry 4.0....