Agustín Zaballos Diego

Agustín Zaballos Diego
Correu electrònic
Sant Jaume Hilari
C. Quatre Camins 30, 08022, Barcelona
Departament d'Enginyeria
Research Group on Internet Technologies & Storage
Coordinador de Recerca
Grup de Recerca

Agustín Zaballos has completed the International MBA in 2014 and received the PhD degree in Data Networks and Internet Technologies from the University Ramon Llull (URL), Barcelona, Spain, in 2012 and the M.S. degree in Electronic Engineering in 2000. He has been an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Engineering with URL since 1999 and instructor of CCNA and CCNP CISCO certifications since 2000. Since 2002, he is also the Area Director of the R&D Networking and Security Area and he has been involved in several R&D projects such as OPERA (FP6), INTEGRIS (FP7) and FINESCE (FP7). His research is focused on real-time QoS-aware routing protocols in Smart Grids, Ubiquitous Sensor Networks and IoT communications.


ABSTRACT: Up to now most of the sensors installed by the Spanish scientific community in Antarctica have been placed clo...

The development and implementation of novel and advanced healthcare systems based on ICT requires a greater interaction between healthcar...

Up to now most of the sensors installed by the Spanish scientific community in Antarctica have been placed close to the stations, because...

HOTSUP projects aims to improve/innovate online teaching so to fulfil the needs of Higher Education when delivering training in the hybri...

PLANET4 aims at filling the gap between scientific research on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) and its industrial...

After a first proof of concept in Livingston Island, the project aims to expand the use of communications in HF (3-30 MHz) by ionospheric...

The goal of the project is to contribute to fill in the existing knowledge gap that university students have with regard to Industry 4.0....

Cada any el nombre de dispositius d'Internet of Things (IoT) connectats creix de manera exponencial. Les xarxes que fan possible aquesta...


Guiomar Corral and Xavier Cadenas and Agustín Zaballos and M.Teresa Cadenas
First International Conference on Wireless Internet - WICON 2005 - 2005
Agustin Zaballos, David Vernet, and Josep M. Selga
International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks - 2013
A. Vallejo and A. Zaballos and D. Vernet and A. Orriols-Puig and Jordi Dalmau
International Journal on Advances in Networks and Services - 2009
J. Porté, J. L. Pijoan, J. Masó, D. Badia, A. Zaballos, R. M. Alsina-Pages, (2018)
Antarctica - A Key To Global Change - 5 2018
Zaballos, A., Vallejo, A. and Selga, J.M.
IEEE Network special issue in Communication Infrastructures for Smart Grid - 2011
Agustin Zaballos, Alex Vallejo Blanxart, Josep M. Selga, Jordi Dalmau Royo
IEEE Communications Magazine - 2012
Zaballos, A., Vallejo, A., Ravera, G. and Selga, J.M.
International Journal on Advances in Networks and Services - 2010
Selga, J.M., Navarro, J and Zaballos, A.
IEEE Communication Letters - 2013
Vallejo, A., Ruiz, J., Abella, J., Zaballos, A. and Selga, J.M.
IEEE Communications Magazine - 2007
Zaballos, A., Vallejo, A., Majoral, M. and Selga, J.M.
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery - 2009
Joan Navarro, Agustín Zaballos, Andreu Sancho-Asensio, Guillermo Ravera, and José Enrique Armendáriz-Iñigo
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics - 2012