24 May 2024

Universitat Ramon Llull, among the 10 best Spanish universities according to the CYD Ranking

The ranking prepared by the Fundación Conocimiento y Desarrollo places the URL among the top 10 Spanish universities and the 5th Catalan

Universitat Ramon Llull (URL), of which La Salle Campus Barcelona is a founding member, has achieved great results in the CYD Ranking prepared by the Fundación Conocimiento y Desarrollo (CYD), and is positioned among the 10 best universities in Spain and the 5th of Catalonia.

The URL stands out in the indicators linked to the dimension of international orientation for the 4th consecutive year and is in second position in Spain in this category. In addition, the URL is positioned in the dimension of teaching and learning with maximum performance in six of the seven quality indicators, a fact that responds to one of the strategic principles of all the centers that are part of the URL, which is to guarantee quality, pedagogical and teaching innovation and educational excellence.

It is worth noting the good position in the research and knowledge transfer dimensions, obtaining a high performance in indicators such as fundraising and continuous training that reflect the link of the university with the social and business fabric.

In this new edition, the CYD Ranking continues to grow and presents the results of 81 universities, 30 fields of knowledge and 3,407 degrees. Participating universities represent 91% of the 89 active ones that teach degree courses.

All participating university centers have been evaluated based on 36 indicators grouped into 5 dimensions: teaching and learning, research, knowledge transfer, international orientation and contribution to regional development. The URL has achieved 21 indicators in high performance, one more than the previous year.