Tomas Gonzalez Fontan
Dr. Tomás González obtained his PhD in Telecommunications Engineering at La Salle - Ramon Llull University (URL) in 2023, his Telecommunications Engineering in 2020 and his Technical Engineering in Telecommunications in 2019. He is currently Tutor and Lecturer in the Department of Telecommunications at La Salle - URL and member of Smart Society Research at the same University. He teaches "Signals and Transmission Systems" and "Telecommunication Subsystems I". His branch of research focuses on HF Radiocommunications for NVIS applications using schemes of the new communication standards such as 4G and 5G and comparing them with discrete modulations and thus see their efficiency in a hostile channel. He currently has 3 scientific publications in indexed journals within the SHETLAND-NET research project (Ref: RTI2018-097066-B-I00). He has supervised 6 theses in signal processing, IoT technologies and 5G communications. He has participated in more than 30 outreach speeches in different schools in Catalonia, as well as for the Spanish Amateur Radio Union (URE).
After a first proof of concept in Livingston Island, the project aims to expand the use of communications in HF (3-30 MHz) by ionospheric...