Jaume Anguera Pros

Jaume Anguera Pros
Sant Jaume Hilari
C. Quatre Camins 30, 08022, Barcelona
Research Group on Internet Technologies & Storage
Department of Engineering
Department of Engineering
Research Group

Dr. J. Anguera. Associate Professor, Fractus-Founder Partner. 19 years experience both in Academia(URL) and Industry (Fractus)
Tech. Eng. in Electronic Systems and Eng. degree in Electronic Eng.,both from the Ramon Llull Uni, Barcelona, Engineering and Ph.D in Telecomm. Eng., both from the U. Politènica. de Catalunya (UPC), Barcelona.
In 1997-99 researcher at UPC.
In `99, researcher at Sis.Radiantes,Madrid.
In 2003-04, with Fractus-Korea where he directed antenna projects for Samsung, LG, etc.
Since `01 leading research antenna projects (Fractus-URL collaboration). Holds more than 110 granted patents in antennas (many of them licensed).
Author of more than 200 papers (h-index 33), 4 books, directed more than 100 bachelor and master thesis and 3 Ph.Ds.
Senior Member IEEE.
Member of the fractal team that in 1998 received the European Infor. Tech. Grand Prize.
2003 Finalist to the Best Doctoral Thesis (Telefónica)
New faces of Eng. 2004 (IEEE).
2004 Best Doctoral Thesis Award organized by COIT & ONO.
2014 Finalist European Patent Award.
Participated in over 17 research grants valued over €5 million, in which he was the principal researcher for €3 million of the funding.
His biography is listed in Who´sWho in the World, Who´sWho in Eng.


After a first proof of concept in Livingston Island, the project aims to expand the use of communications in HF (3-30 MHz) by ionospheric...

Cada any el nombre de dispositius d'Internet of Things (IoT) connectats creix de manera exponencial. Les xarxes que fan possible aquesta...


Lluís Vicent and Jaume Anguera and Elisabet Golobardes and David Badia and Marc Segarra.
- 2005